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I'm now wearing my robe, and Lisa gets out of her room asking for her clothes that she will be using today.

I smiled at her and lent her dress, and she quickly went to her room. I checked the clock again, I don't want my baby to be late it's 7:10 already, I knocked at her door and tell her that I will be meeting her in the dining room. "Baby, just went straight to the dining room so we can eat. It's already se.. I checked my wristwatch to make sure I gave her the accurate time, "It's 7:20. I don't want you to miss your first subject."

She shouted, "Almost done, Love, thank you." After I heard her response, I walked towards the dining room to sit. While waiting for Lisa, I checked my e-mails to see if I have important meetings today, fortunately none. I don't need to rush.

After a couple of minutes, I saw Lisa already and regretted my decision about why I picked those clothes.

After a couple of minutes, I saw Lisa already and regretted my decision about why I picked those clothes

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She hurriedly sits on the chair and starts eating her food. "Slow down, love," she nodded and ate slowly. While we're eating, she received a notification. She got her phone to check whose messaging her. After she reads the message, she lets out a sigh. I looked at her questioning her. "My first subject was move to 8:30." I nodded.

After she's done with her food, I see Lisa and know she wants to say something, but she's contemplating. "What is it, baby?" She scratched her brow and answered, "Love, my boss texted me last night to inform me that today will be my last time guiding Darius., I raised my brow as if like I was asking her who Darius is. She continued, "uhm, he's the new barista. I didn't respond to his request yet because I wanted to let you know if that would be okay with you?"

"Last day is today? Why, what's the difference between today or tomorrow?" She cleared her throat, "we are booked for a private event later. So my boss wanted to make sure Darius won't get messed up."

I slowly nodded and asked her, "How about you? Is it okay with you? Be honest with me, baby." She nodded and answered, "My boss accepted my request when I told him that I don't want to assist Darius anymore, and he agreed but informed me that I still needed to do it today. So, I want to grant his request. So yes, it's fine with me but I assure you, love, he won't get any chance to be close to me."

I sigh heavily. "I wanted to make sure you're safe baby, can you please call me or tell me right away if he will cross the line today? She smiled and held my hand. "I promise my love." I squeezed her hand as my approval. "Thank you for trusting me." She leaned forward to give me a kiss. "Of course,  baby." I answered.

We are now on the elevator, locking our hands while she silently sings. I elbowed her lightly so she could focus on me. "Hmmm?" She hummed. "You have a beautiful voice, baby." I compliment her, and she smiled cheerfully.

We are now in my car. After I checked if she had already buckled her seatbelt. I then turned the car's engine and sped away.

The man in the car across the building smirked devily when he noticed Jennie's car driving to Lisa's university.

He maneuvered his car and started following them.

The man is tapping the steering wheel. He's excited for today's event, and he can't control himself feeling giddy about what's to happen.

They have now reached the university, and since Jennie's car is not that tinted, he saw that they kissed each other goodbye. He gripped his steering wheel when he witnessed that.

When Jennie's drive away, he pick up his phone and to inform the person on the other line, "Make sure to complete your task smoothly and I guarantee you a bonus if you can satisfy me with the result." He smiled devilishly when he received a confirmation.

He then hung up the phone and looked forward. "You're fucking done, you bitch." And sped away.

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