Rude Kitten - 9

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I have an appointment at 2 o'clock with Mr

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I have an appointment at 2 o'clock with Mr. Kim and I'm here already. My class ended at 12 o'clock and went straight coming in here so I can still review while waiting for Mr Kim. Luckily, it's my rest day today, so after this meeting, I don't need to stay here to work.

I bring out my notebook and pen so I can take a quick review for our upcoming exam. My graduation is in 4 months so I know I need to study well. They said that I am a candidate for cum laude. Tbh, I am really not targeting to become one, what I am achieving is to graduate so a big opportunity will open for me.

After a couple of hours I noticed the same car that Mr Kim was riding last time. I seated by the window currently that's why I noticed. There's also another car that parked beside him but I didn't really care about it because what I know is I will be meeting Mr. Kim only.

I returned my focus on my notebook and starting to fix it and kept inside my bag. Then the bell rang indicating that someone entered the Café. I looked at the door and noticed Mr. Kim with a woman, gorgeous I may add. She's beside at Mr Kim staring directly at me, I felt my heart thumps when we look into each other's eyes, but that didn't take too long because she tripped, gladly Mr. Kim is beside her, or it would be chaos based on the aura that she has.

I stand on my seat after fixing my bag

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I stand on my seat after fixing my bag. Mr. Kim is at my reach already. He cleared his throat and introduced the woman beside him after we shook our hands. "Lisa hija, meet Jennie, my daughter. Your soon to be wife." He's nervous when he stated the last sentence.

I dried my hands off on my pants because I felt that I needed to. I introduced myself. "Hi Jennie, how are you?" My hands remain in the air waiting for her, but she instead turned to her dad and said, "Dad, isn't she too young for me? It seems like she's studying."

Clearly, she's rude, and she just judges me like that

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Clearly, she's rude, and she just judges me like that. I get frustrated, but I won't let her know that I am affected. I interrupted her dad and answered her. "Oh. Am I too young for you to handle? I'm 19, legal age. I actually love pussy."

I saw her eyes turned big and about to shout at me but I beat her to it. "I meant pussy cat. They said that a person that knows how to take care of pets is responsible, so yeah". I bashfully smile at her after.

I clearly won in teasing her because she just scoff and roll her eyes on me. What a rude Kitten. Tsk tsk. Mr. Kim butted in clearly enjoying our banter. "Let's take a seat ladies. Leo, order us some patries and a water bottle." Leo stand from his seat and to answer. "Yes Mr Kim" and the assistant walk away.

We sat down, and it turned out like a silent competition. I am sleepy, so I needed to make some action to get over with this. "Uhm. Mr Kim. I have here my conditions if you want to discuss them already?"

The kitten is about to respond, but I beat her and say while smiling. "I'm not talking to you yet, baby girl. Calm down, please."

She abruptly stood up and squinted her eyes. "You don't have the right to disrespect me." Im older than you. She pointed. "Oh my! Sorry Unnie," provoking her more.

She's about to scream at Met, but Leo came in with our orders. I smirked at her.

Mr Kim cleared her throat for the nth time. "Let's eat first ladies. Lisa, what drink do you like? my daughter here like the black coffee only."

I can't keep it to myself. That's why I answered. "Oh, that's why." And she can't control herself anymore because.. "What do you mean by that?!"

I simply answered while smiling cheekly. "Oh nothing, my mouth is like that sometimes. Hehehe." I turned to Mr. Kim "I would like to have Matcha frappe Mr. Kim. Thank you."

After Leo heard our orders, he walked away again. Mr. Kim gave me the cinnamon roll while croissant for her daughter. After serving us, he started asking about the condition I listed.

"Oh, I have it here on my bag. I hope you can all consider it. Like what I promise, I am willing to listen if you have some as well, sir."

"Are you going to marry my dad? You keep on talking to him. Lend me the paper so I can see your conditions."  Said by the kitten on the side. I subtly roll my eyes on her and get the paper. "Here is the lists, sweetie pie." I give her the paper with a mocking smile.

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