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When we arrived at the hospital, the nurses attended to Lisa and checked everything to know what's going on. I sighed in relief when the doctor mentioned that Lisa was over fatigue. She suffered dehydration as well, and that's why her fever spiked. She cried a lot and wasn't able to regain her strength. All of her remaining energy was drained when the arguments happened.

"Sweetheart, I'll go home so I can bring you some things here and will ask Dulce to pack some food. I know you will be staying here to take care of Lisa." I nodded at dad and turned my attention back to Lisa. We are just waiting for her room. She needs to be admitted still.

My friend are still waiting for Lisa to be transferred first before they leave and come back tomorrow. "Jen, are you okay?" I nodded to Irene. "You won't push the divorce, right?" I looked at Jisoo. "Of course not, Unnie. I was so wrong when I did that. You are correct when you mentioned that Lisa is fighting for herself, for us, but the resolution I got is to draw a divorce. I didn't imagine how Lisa would react to it. I just, I'll make it up to her unnie." They all agreed with what I said.

"I mean, we understand the impulsive decision you made when you asked your family lawyer for a divorce, but I think Lisa is kinda right as well. I mean, I don't think she was unreasonable. She was just really hurt, and she deserves to vent that out." Seulgi added.

"Yes, we can't invalidate Lisa's feelings. I was so shocked when I heard her a while ago. But to be honest, I admire Lisa's honesty, I can truly see how much she loves you, unnie." Rose voiced her opinion as well.

"That's what I felt as well. The feelings that she has for me are genuine. And I'll take all the frustrations from her because I kinda deserved it." I take a deep breath. "All I want to do right now is to make it up to my baby. And I'll show her how much I regretted that decision, I will show her how much I love her." My friends agreed with me smiling. "We know you can do it." Jisoo tapped my shoulder.

"Ma'am, the room is now ready. We'll bring Mrs. Kim." The nurses politely interjected. I nodded to her. "We will continue to monitor her temperature. No more other tests are needed, but she really needs to take a rest." The nurse informed me once we reached the room.

Chaesoo and Seulrene couple bid goodbye after we are settled. I texted that to not forget to bring my laptop. I will file a 2 weeks leave to take care of my wife. Lisa is still sleeping, and I'm happy about that. I then received a call from the head investigator in Derek's case.

"Hello, Mrs. Kim, how are you and your wife?" The police started. "We're doing fine. What's the reason for this call?" I asked. "I just want to inform you that Mr Lim was transferred to our prison directly. If you want to see him, you can give us a call and I'll make the arrangements." I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"I'm glad, make sure he will rot in jail, I did want to see him, but not right now. My wife is in the hospital. I'll just message you. I'll inform my dad as well so you don't need to call him. Thank you." I bid goodbye and disconnected the call.

After a couple of minutes. Dad arrived with stuff that we can use until Lisa will be discharged. I'm just sending a couple of emails, and dad is reading the newspaper when I noticed that Lisa is awake. I turned my attention to her when she fully opened her eyes. "Hey baby. How are you feeling?" She remained in her position. I heard dad that he will be taking phone calls, but I know he's giving us privacy so we can talk.

My wife then answered me in a low voice. "I'm okay. Why am I here?" She asked. "You passed out due to exhaustion. You have a fever as well. But the doctor said, you just needed completely rest to regain your energy." I explained. She remained silent after that. After a couple of minutes. I talked to her.

"Are you still mad at me, baby?" She looked at me, but she looked away right after. She answered me after. "Yes, but not that much. I think when I vent out, it helps me. I was just really hurt. I'm sorry, by the way. I didn't mean to shout at you in front of our friends and dad." I get her hand and kiss her knuckles. "It's totally fine, baby. You have the right to do that. Don't think that since you are younger than me you will control your feelings. No, you have all the right to get mad at me. You have all the right to shout at me and tell me how you feel." She nodded. "What I feel about you, about us, is true. That's why when I heard from him of what you did, I was really hurt."

We are calmly talking now. "I know, baby, and I'm sorry for that. Can you give me a chance and forgive me. I don't want us to divorce, I just, I'm just really sorry for hurting your feelings, baby." She stared at me, and she's on the verge of crying. "Please don't hurt me again. Love, It's so painful. The beatings from Derek are nothing compared to how you broke my heart."

I hugged her after I heard her. She finally calls me love. She looked at me, and then she talked in her baby voice. "I miss you, love. I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. I love you." Then she pouted her lips. I smiled at her, then wiped her tears. I then kissed her. Multiple peck on her lips. "I miss you, and I love you more, baby. You don't have to say sorry, baby. It's okay."

She smiled after. "For how long do I need to stay here? My graduation is near?" She then asked. I am fixing her bangs before I answer her. "The doctor said that you may need to stay here for 2 nights." She then pouted. I chuckled. "Baby, you need to rest, that's why." She remained silent, then she talked to me again, "What are you doing? Oh, don't you have work today?" I shaked my head. "No baby, I filed for 2 weeks leave." Lisa creased her forehead. "Love, you don't need to do this to make it up for me, all right? I don't want to compromise your work. I forgive you wholeheartedly, okay?" I smiled at my wife. She's really considerate.

"Baby, I want this, okay? And we really need time so we can go back to our home." She looked at me excitedly. "Oh, we're going home? Really!? I enjoyed my time in dad's home, but it's different if we are in our own home. Does it make any sense, love?" I chuckled at her question. It's so adorable as always. "It does, baby. Me too, I want our home to ourselves only. There is no turning back, and we can do it in every corner of the place." She was confused. "Hmm? Like? I'm confused about what you are saying, love, but I'll support whatever it is. By the way, what do you think of having a baby?"

I choked with Lisa's sudden question. A baby?? "Oops! Sorry love, I know it's so sudden. I just. I really want to build a family with you. I'm not rushing you, tho. I'm just asking." I was about to answer, but there's a knock on the door. Then dad came in. "Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Lisa looked at dad's direction shyly. "I'm fine, dad, and I'm so.. I'm sorry earlier, dad. I didn't mean to disrespect when I was shouting." Dad chuckled while walking towards Lisa, and then he patted Lisa's head. "No problem, sweetheart. Sometimes Jennie needs someone to knock some sense to her, and you are the someone." My baby is smiling after dad said that.

"Dad, stop it. It's not funny. Let's eat, shall we?" My dad and Lisa are still laughing silently. I just smiled because it warms my heart. No more Derek in our lives.

This is gonna be the start of our beautiful love story.

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