I need a change of..

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I am so touched by my wife when she stays in her place even though it's kinda hot outside. She had the option to wait for me in the car, but she didn't. Although one of the guards is using an umbrella to protect her, still she waited for me.

After the shoot, I ran towards her. Even though I was wearing my gown, I only used my flat shoes since the lower part of the body was not included. I just want to hug her to let her feel how I appreciate her.

"Love, thank you for waiting for me." I kissed her cheek and then gave her a hug. "Of course, baby, let's go. Let's eat something first, then let's go to the mall." She said. I got excited because of that. She locked her fingers with mine, and we walked towards the car.

I am just admiring the scenery while we are traveling. I see her on her phone messaging someone. "Your unnies said you looked so beautiful earlier, Baby." She mentioned. Oh. Maybe she is talking to them. "Really love? How about you, do you find me beautiful in that gown?" I asked.

I noticed her eyes turned something that I couldn't explain. "Oh baby, I find you more than that. You make me want to forget this date and bring you home." I was shocked with how straightforward she is.

"No love, you promised me. But if you behave until we get home, you mey get some..." I intentionally didn't finish my sentence and smiled at her cheekily. I don't see that there is something wrong with how I answered Jennie. First and foremost, we are married. Second, I loved the feeling she's in between my legs the other night. Oh gosh. I blushed when I suddenly remembered it.

"Oh yeah? Then I'll behave. But give me a kiss first." She then clicked the button to close the partition, and she played some music. She pulled me into her lap. We stared at each other to admire one another, and then she slammed her lips onto mine. Her grip from my waist sends thousands of bolts in my core.

I moaned when I felt that she's sucking my toungue. After we felt we needed oxygen. She stopped kissing me, but her mouth traveled to my ear down to my throat. "Tell me, what will I get if I behave?" My eyes are close when her lips are lingering on my neck. I wasn't able to answer her, that's why she asked again. "Baby, I'm asking you, what will I get?" Then she massage my breast. "Ugh.. oh Jennie. You may shit. " I wasn't able to continue when I felt her tongue poking my throat. I cleared my throat to continue, "You may have the twin and my totoot later." I seriously said that, but this pervert kitten laugh at me.

"Baby, your innocence is so sexy. Hahaha.. What is totoot?" I squinted my eyes and crossed my arms. "I won't say it! If you don't know, then you will not have it." She keeps on laughing, but she answers me, "Oh no, I'll have your totoot later. I remember now." She clearly mocked me. "You're teasing me, aren't you? Love, stop, please, and I have to tell you something, but promise you won't laugh."

She turned serious after that. "What is it, baby?" I pout at her and pulled her ear, "I need a change of panties. Love." She's about to laugh, but I stared at her, "Don't you dare." She stopped and gestured she's zipping her mouth. "We'll buy one after, or do you want to go home first?" I nodded. "We can go home first since it's still early." She agreed.

After we reached the house, I quickly took a half bath and changed my clothes. Jennie is downstairs, and I threaten her if she goes up here no more later. My wife listened, and I saw her waiting in the living room.
"Are you ready, baby? She looked at me and walked towards my direction. "Yes, Love, let's go?" She nodded and signaled the bodyguards to get ready.

We're now settled on the backseat, and she informed me we will be going to the restaurant first that she booked.

"Love, this restaurant looks amazing. Do you usually eat here?" I asked, still amazed at the place. "We ate here one time, with your unnies." I nodded. I'm glad I was wearing the dress that Irene unnie bought.

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