My Lisa

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I ran as fast as I could, and I saw Jisoo waiting I the lobby. I shouted, "Jisoo!" I noticed that Irene followed me. When I saw Jisoo, her swollen eyes said a lot. I can't help but get a little scared.

Jisoo acknowledged the person behind me, so I glanced at my back and saw Seulgi. I returned my attention to Jisoo. "Where's Lisa?" She started walking, and we followed her. "The doctors are currently examining here. They mentioned that she passed out due to exhaustion , and she had a.. uhm concussion." I was shocked to what I heard. She stopped for a moment when we took the elevator, then continued when he punched the top floor.  "When I see her on her state, I uh." She sniffed.

The elevator stopped on the floor, and I ran towards the room. But the personnel on the top floor stopped me. "Ma'am you can't get in there. The doctors are treating a patient." I tried to fight them, " I am the wife of the patient. Let me see my wife! Are you new here? Didn't you know me!?" I frantically said, but Jisoo and Seulgi hold me. "Jennie unnie, please calm down. The treatment will be delayed." I defeatedly stop myself from fighting them. Rosie is right. This may delay Lisa's treatment.

The nurse spoke again sympathetically. "I am sorry for what happened, but we are checking everything to make sure she will be treated properly." Then the nurse bowed and walked back in the front of the door.

I faced Jisoo. "Tell me what happened, Jisoo, please tell me what happened to my wife!"

Jisoo weighs the situation, and she's contemplating. But I begged her, "please, Jisoo." Jisoo is about to open her mouth, but Seulgi got a call. "Yes, we're here in the hospital. How come?! Shit! Okay, the wife is here. We will be waiting." She hunged up the phone and turned her attention to us. "The police are on the way."

I swiftly looked at Jisoo. "Police?! Why? What happened can please someone tell me what's going on!" Rosie approached Jisoo and held her arm, "tell her Hon. She needs to know. At least she will have an idea when the police arrive." Jisoo nodded and looked at me in the eye.

"Lisa, she.. she.. she almost got raped. I saw her in poor condition. Her lips are busted, a bruised mark on her cheek. She was molested." I heard Irene gasped loudly.

When I heard Jisoo, I felt weak. I almost dropped in the floor, but Seulgi cathed me. Then I am sobbing. I can not imagine what Lisa has been through. I wasn't able to react, but Irene asked the most important information that we needed to know. "Who is the fucking bastard did this to Lisa?"

Jisoo gritted her teeth when he mentioned the name. "Derek, and the newly hired barista Darius." I can't control myself and screamed.

"No! That motherfucker! I will kill him!" I stand up to find the hell out of Derek but Rosie stopped me. "Unnie," she sniffed before she continued. "You need to be here. Before Lisa passed out, she kept on mumbling your name. She's looking for you." You need to be the first person. She sees when she wakes up. I cried again and looked at Jisoo.

"Un.. Unnie," Jisoo felt that I needed her, so she approached me and hugged me tightly.

"I know, we will get justice for Lisa. For now, we need to be strong. She needs you, be strong for her." I looked at her and sobbed. "Unnie, Lisa. My baby is.." Irene is crying too. I saw Seulgi hugging her to comfort her.

After a couple of minutes. The doctor went out and asked for the relatives of Lisa. Jennie stood up, "I am her wife. How is she?"

The doctor sadly looked at me and provided all the findings to Lisa. "Mrs. Kim, your wife is now resting. We were able to treat and prevent Lisa from becoming deaf." I looked at him, confused. That's why he continued explaining. "She was slapped so hard, and her eardrum got damaged a little. But we were able to treat it. The swollen cheek and her lips are treated. Once she woke up. You can see her." The doctor finished and bowed her head.

After the doctor left, the information kept on repeating in my head. Then I got distracted when we heard a couple of heavy footsteps. I saw dad with a couple of bodyguards. I ran towards him, and he welcomed me in a tight hug.

I cried again when I felt my dad's hugging me tightly. "Shhh," He comforted me. "I swear in your mother's grave. I will find that bastard and punish him severely." I nodded agreeing to what he say, I will do the same to that fucking shit once I find him.

Seulgi then slowly approached us and greeted my dad. "Hi, tito dad." She then announced. "The police are here, Jen."

I expectantly looked at the authorities and saw them with a couple of zip lock.

"Where is that bastard?"

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