My sweet wife

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We are currently in our car on the way to the hospital. I always act cute whenever my wife and I are together. "Lovey, are you excited for today's event?" She smiled at me and caresses my tummy. "Of course, baby, we are going to find out our babies gender." I smiled. "Me too, Love. I'm excited and happy today."  She charmingly smiled at me.

"Love, can we have a date after today? Hmm. Can we do BBQ today?" My wife smiled at me. "Do you want to do it outside or, in our home? Since it's a weekend we can ask our friend to join us?" I pouted.

"Lovey, is it okay if I asked if we can be us only this time." My wife held my hands. "Of course, baby. If that's what you want. I'll ask Dulce to set up a BBQ tonight." I giggled and pouted my lips. My wife leans forward to kiss me.

The meeting with our doctor is short. After our doctor mentioned that we'll be having a boy and girl, my wife and I can't help but be happy about it. Only 3 months, and we will be meeting our babies.

Tomorrow, my wife said that our babies' room will be renovated and to make sure that I will get enough rest. We will be staying in dad's house.

"Baby, do you want to go in the mall first? Let's buy some things that we still need for your delivery?" I smiled at my wife. "Lovey, all of the things are complete. How about this, let's see and get something for our baby girl and boy?" My wife agreed.

After the doctor gave the new lists of vitamins. We fixed ourselves and got ready to travel again.

Super short, sorry. I'll make it up to you guys. So busy with work, our shift changed. So yeah. Thanks anyways for reading this.

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