Within his control?

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I was so happy that Jennie permitted me to go to my school for my clearance so I can relax already and wait for the graduation day.

I noticed that the security is not that strict anymore with the people going in and out of the campus. Maybe because the school year is almost over. I'm done with my clearance, and I was about to go with the car when I see Derek, not too far from me. We looked at each other, and he waved at me. I tried to see the bodyguards outside, but I couldn't see them.

"Are you looking for the securities?" I only stare at him, "I created trouble for them so they would be distracted. Now, what I want you to do is to come with me calmly." After he said that, I take advantage of our distance and run, I heard him shouting.
"You can't get away from me, Lisa!" I run as fast as I can while dialing Jennie's number. I tried multiple times to call her, but I couldn't reach her phone. I ran towards one of the classrooms to hide. However, that was the biggest mistake of my life.

He was able to corner me. "Give it up, Lisa." I close my and accepted my faith, but I made a bold request. "Can I call Jennie first?" He smiled mockingly. "Of course. I want that, too." And he laughed demonically. "You may want to try to call Jisoo instead." That's when I realized that this was all planned. He was able to get ahold of Jennie's phone. He then pointed me his gun while I was calling Jisoo. "Don't try to get away again. Or I'll fucking shoot you. If I can't get to have you, I'll make sure that no one can!"

I called Jisoo, and I'm on the verge of crying. When the call was connected and I heard Jennie's voice, that was when I broke down in tears. "Baby, how are you? I don't know where my phone is, that's why I wasn't able to call..." I speak to cut her. "Love, I've been calling you multiple times." I calmly said. "What wrong baby?" Her worried voice is evident, and it makes my heart shatter in pieces. But I need her to know how much I love her.  "I love you so much, love. I don't know what happened to the bodyguards, but he's here... He cor.. he cornered me, gun at my head. I asked him if I could call you for the last time and he agreed."

I heard that Jennie was crying on the other line already. Derek walked towards a little closer and mocked us. "Hi Jennie." And looked at me to showing his smile mockingly. I was about to talk to Jennie again, but "Derek, I'm begging you don't hurt Lisa, get me instead. Please, Derek." I am crying because I know how worried and in pain Jennie is. Derek only chuckled when we heard my wife's begging voice. I decided to end the call, but not until I said how I felt about her. "We're late Love, I called unnie instead so she can tell you how much I love you. I really do love. I love you so much. I wanted to thank you for everything, and I'm sorry. If Derek decided to kill me. Please love, take care of yourself.." I am sobbing uncontrollably.  I'm about to continue, but Derek shouted. "That's enough.!" He grabbed my phone and stomped on it hardly.

"Now, let's walk calmly and don't even dare to make a move and draw some attention. " I nodded unconsciously. When we reached his car. He cuffed one of my hands to his. He smiled. "If in case you turned crazy and decided to jump from my car." I am not listening to him anymore, and I tried to focus to find a way on how I can escape him.

He started his engine and sped away. While he's driving, he shared with me how he planned this. A real psychopath I said to my head. I remained calm because I knew it won't be beneficial to me. We stopped over to gas station, and he uncuffed his one hand and locked the other end to the steering wheel. "I'll just buy something for us since we will be staying there forever." And he winked at me. He then got his gun and warned me. "Again. I don't want you to get peoples attention because if you will, I'll kill them, and I'll kill you too."

I nodded because I knew refusing him would make him mad, and I didn't need it. I need to make him believe that he has control of this situation, so he will be relaxed a little.

When I saw him get to the convenience store. I did my best to get or find something that would help me. And God is watching me because I saw a screw driver lying on the car's carpet. I may not have noticed it because the tip is only showing, but I think because I'm in this situation, everything matters. I was able to grasp it and hide through my socks.

When I'm successful, I remained calm and looked outside the window, and I couldn't help and think about Jennie. I know that she is so worried right now. The happy memories that I had with Jennie kept on playing in my head, which helped me to remain strong and determined so I could go back to her arms.

I can see Derek already, and he's very happy because he walked towards me on his demonic smile. "Looked, I brought you some underwear that will definitely make you look so hot, I want you to wear this when the time come that I will fuck you, okay?" Sick! I didn't answer him  but he got so mad and choked me from the window. I can't breathe. "I'm asking you, I said I want you to wear this for the day that I will fuck you, do you understand?!" I defeatedly nodded. "I understand." He smiled so big after he heard me.

He turned around to get to the driver seat. Once he is settled. He cuffed his hand again first and drove away.

"Now, let's go to our place where I will fuck you hard." He laughed demonically after that.

I gripped my hand to the car seat. And silently praying to guide me throughout this situation.

Wait for me, my love. I thought positively.

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