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It's been 3 days since Lisa was taken. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and the most heartbreaking part is, I can't do anything to save her. Dad's men are working their best to locate Derek, but up until now. There's none. Derek planned it very well. He made sure that once he got to have Lisa, there was no rescuing that would happen. I've been crying all night hugging Lisa's shirt, her pillow. I miss my wife.

There's a knock on my bedroom. "Sweetheart, your friends are here. Come out from there. Let's eat and talk and plan how we will find your wife." Dad said. I know that dad is frustrated because until now, we can't find my wife. "Please, sweetheart. I need you to have energy for Lisa's rescue." I close my eyes, trying to prevent myself from crying. "Jennie, we brought some of your favorites. Let's go?"

I wanted to ignore them, but I heard Dulce. "Mr. Kim, there's a delivery for Ms. Jennie. It says that they need her signature. I would have ignored it. However, there's a note on the package." I jolted and opened my door right away. I have a feeling it's from Derek. "What do the notes say?" Dulce scratched her hand, feeling nervous. "The notes say,'I KNOW YOU MISS HER. HERE, A GLIMPSE OF HER.' My hand is trembling, I run downstairs to receive the package. "Who asked you to send this?" I asked the delivery man. "Same routine. He dropped the package to our warehouse, and I didn't see him. I'm just delivering packages." He cleared his throat right after. "Please sign here."

I signed the paper. I'm holding the package now. There's so many things that are running in my head, I'm so scared to see what the package is. Seulgi may sense how I felt, so she got the package and opened it. "It's a compact disc, Jennie." The nervous I felt skyrocket. I don't know what the content of the disc is, but I need to find out. I'm not sure if I need to watch it myself or what. When I get the disc, there's a note written on it.

Even though there was a note, my nervousness was not decreased

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Even though there was a note, my nervousness was not decreased. But because of the note, I decided I could watch it with everyone else. We might see something from the content that may help us locate Lisa.

We gathered in the living room. I put in the disc and hit the play button. And we watched closely, and I think everyone is holding their breath.

The video started and the mother fucking psycho is the one holding the camera. He then pointed the camera to Lisa, who is on the bed. Sitting wearing a sando. She looks so sad, I cried after seeing my baby. "Hi Jennie, so Lisa here made a deal. I won't fuck her until she's your wife, right Lisa.?" Lisa looked at him no emption. "Now, Lisa, talk to Jennie. Go ahead." Lisa then looked at the camera. She smiled a little. "Love, how are you? I'm sorry if I worried you again. I wanted to say that." She looked at Derek and then looked towards the camera again. "I love you so much. I won't divorce you. This is the only thing that I.."

She wasn't able to finish what she wanted to say because Derek suddenly smacked her. "You fuck! You tricked me!" I stood up as if I can stop him from hurting Lisa. I saw him grabbing Lisa's chin harshly, "we will do this again you bitch. Don't test me. I want you to ask her to divorce you because you love me and you want to get married with me."

Lisa is crying, her lips is busted. "But I don't want to marry you and I only love Jennie. Why don't you stop? Even if you kill me, I won't divorce her. She is the only one that I will marry and love even if this is my last day!" I am crying so hard. I can't handle it. I felt Irene and Jisoo hugged me.

"Alright then, I'll kill you because if I can't have you, I'll make sure that no one can." I'm still hearing the devil talking. I then heard my wife. "I love you wife, please take care of yourself. "

No! I can't do this. I can't see her like this. Even if she's in that kind of situation, she still thinks of me. "My baby, Lisa." I am screaming. Rosie helped in calming me down.

I thought the video was over, but then I heard Derek talk again. "Chow, Jennie. Hahaha, Lisa is devoted to you. I'm impressed." He kept on laughing before the video was cut.

I stood up and looked at Dad, "call Kevin, and ask him to draw a divorce paper. I will divorce Lisa." Everyone on the room was shocked, and there's a couple of gasps that I heard. But I don't care anymore. I think this is the only way to help Lisa. "Jennie, hija." I stared at him again. "Don't you dare, this is my decision. No one is allowed to voice their opinion. My decision is final."

I then walked towards the stairs and looked at them. "My decision is final. Once I sign the paper, leave this place, and we'll see each other again tomorrow in the office." Jisoo, step forward. "Jennie, Lisa is fighting for her life. For you, and this is your response."

I marched towards her. "You don't have the right to question me, Jisoo." We stared intensely at each other. I can sense that Jisoo was disappointed, actually all of them. "Just leave. All of you." I turned my back and got upstairs.

I slammed my door closed and balled my eyes out. Gripping the sheets of my bed.

I woke up after I heard a couple of knocks. "Ms. Jennie, Mr Kevin is downstairs waiting for you." I fixed myself and went downstairs. I ignored my dad's stare. "Let's get it done. So we can finish this right away." My dad is about to say something. "I SAID KEVIN, LET'S GET IT DONE!"

Dad looked disappointed. He stared at me a little longer before he walked out.

"Here is the divorce paper you requested."

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