Circle of friends

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I'm 10 minutes late with our meeting when I reached my company. But I didn't think about it, really.

When she entered the boardroom, she saw her best friend slash business partner, raising her one brow as if questioning her what happened.

Can't really blame her. This is her first time being late. Specially it's an important meeting.

"I apologized for being late. There's an emergency this morning, but here I am already. Let's start the meeting."

I glanced at Jisoo unnie and signaled that she would tell later. Jisoo accepted it by nodding and focusing in front.

"Good morning, Ladies and Gentleman, we are gathered today to show you the upcoming designs...." Announced by Ms. Bae, their stylist, and my friend too.

Once the meeting is done. The people on the meeting room applauded with the designs and turned their attention to Jennie and bowed their heads.

Jennie smiled. "Thank you, guys."

The meeting is over, and all the stockholders left except Jisoo, Irene, and Jennie. They turned their attention to Jisoo when she heard her talking to someone over the phone. "We're at the boarding room, Hon. Jennie is here and Irene. Wait, I'll ask them."

Jisoo then turned to the 2 ladies and asked, "Chaeyoung is asking if you two want some coffee. She's at Starbucks right now." Irene answered, "Iced Americanos for me," then turned to Jennie and waited for her.

"I don't want coffee from any places right now, how about, any chocolate drink that she can recommend."

Confused at what Jennie said but Jisoo still gave the orders to her girlfriend. After their conversation, Jisoo asked Jennie. "So what's the emergency today? I'm sure it's important because you were never late."

Jennie showed them their gummy smile, which shocked both Jisoo and Irene. "I'll make sure to tell you guys, but let's wait, Rosie, so I won't need to repeat what I'm about to say." She winked at them "just to give you guys a clue, it a jaw-dropping story you will ever hear." Then she laughed.

Jisoo looked at Irene, intrigued. "I guess we can wait for chaeyoung. Shall we go to your office. It's more comfortable there."

Jennie answered enthusiastically, "Of course, my jichu. Let's go." And started walking.

The two women were stunned because of what they were seeing, "she seems in a good mood," Irene said, the obvious. "That she is. I can't wait to hear these jaw-dropping floor stories of hers. Let's go."

And the 2 woman followed Jennie.

When they entered, they saw Jennie smiling while texting. Jisoo whispered to Irene, "Is she that happy with Derek?" Irene groaned, "God no! Please."

I interrupted the 2 women who kept on whispering to each other. "What are you talking about? So secretive." I giggled.

Jisoo cleared her throat and asked, "Why are you so happy texting Derek? Did the last night sex so good?"

Jennie was shocked and couldn't stop herself and pointed her finger to Jisoo. "Hey! It's not Derek. Don't talk about that asshole. I texted my passcode to Lisa and asked her day as well."

The two woman was confused, "who the fuck is Lisa?". Jennie growled and screamed at her Jisoo unnie. "Unnie, don't disrespect my wife! "

Jisoo and Irene were shocked and confused. They said in unison, "You're married?!"

That's the time Jennie realized that they didn't know anything about it yet. I became defensive. That's I why I accidentally spill the most important part of my story. Tsk. "That's actually part of the story I will share. Where's Rosie?"

Jisoo is still shocked but get her phone eagerly to ask her girlfriend where she at already.

Jennie noticed how frantically Jisoo was when asking the whereabouts of her girlfriend. She chuckled and checked her phone. When there's no notification yet. She smiled, my Barbie is still busy.

She then turned her attention to the two who were very excited. "She's on the lobby already," said Jisoo.

"Alright then." She picks some of the documents while waiting for Rosie.

When Rosie barged in. She fixed her things and gestured the nosy people to the receiving area so we could sit comfortably while telling the stories. But before that, she received a notification. She quickly checked her phone first. Then, she showed her gummy smile.

She quickly sent a reply

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She quickly sent a reply.

She then started, "So yeah, as I have mentioned, I'm married now......"

The 3 dumb stands abruptly. "Fucking hell" they said in unison.

Jennie just laughed and shook her head.

This is gonna be a long day.

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