Preventing herself

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After the argument with Jennie the other day, we never talked again. We're being civil to each other, though, but we never talked, or we are not the same as before. I sometimes feel her that she wants to approach or talk to me, but she's always contemplating. Stubborn as always.

We are currently in Jennie's office. Irene is here as well. We discussed the remaining things we need to get for the opening of the boutique. The discussion stopped when I received a phone call. It was an unknown number. I don't usually answer calls from unknown numbers, but I stopped doing that during Lisa's abduction.

"Hello?" I heard a woman from the back line. I stood up, and I felt a teardrop escaped from my eyes when she's providing me with the information. "Please take good care of her. We're on our way. Thank you so much."

Irene and Jennie are looking at me, waiting for me to end the call. I looked at them, I looked at Jennie for the first time after the fight. "Lisa was able to escape. She's in the hospital. They found her." I smiled tearfully. When the two heard me. They squeal, and Jennie hugged me tightly. Irene suddenly joined us. We're crying and laughing at the same time. "Let's go. Let's fetch your wife." She smiled enthusiastically.

Jennie contacted her dad, and I contacted Rosie while Irene contacted Seulgi. They will go here so we can go and fetch Lisa.

The nurse said that Lisa had been staying in the hospital for more than 24 hours. There was no major injury, but she was physically hurt. She passed out due to hunger, lack of water, and proper sleep. The total travel hours were 3 when we finally saw the hospital.

We all parked properly and together we ran towards the small hospital. And proceeded to the nursing station to ask about Lisa. "Hi, we're looking for Lisa?" She may notice that we're so many. "Uhm, there's a strict order from the patient that she will only allow Mr. Kim and Jisoo to see her." I was so shocked and the rest of the group. Jennie couldn't control herself and interjected. "What do you mean by that?! She's my wife, I am her immediate family!" The nursed looked apologetic. "I am sorry, Mam, but this was an order from the patient. You may wait in the lobby."

I looked at Jennie, "I'll go first and ask Lisa. I'm sure they misunderstood her. Stay here first." Jennie is crying because of frustration. "Sweetheart, Jisoo is right. We will take a look at Lisa first and will ask for immediate transfer. Then we can all go home with your wife." She finally nodded defeatedly.

"We're ready." The nurse bowed and accompanied us to Lisa's room. When I saw her. She got a little skinny, and her bruises are still visible, the same as her busted lips. "Lisa, how are you?" She smiled at me. I walked towards her and hugged her. Mr Kim then approached Lisa and hugged her. I heard Mr Kim keep apologizing to Lisa. "Lisa,your wife is on the lobby. Should I fetch her?"

She shaked her head and looked at us. "Dad. I wanted to say thank you for everything that you've given me. I appreciate all of them, I agreed with Jennie. I signed the divorce paper."  Shocked with her announcement.

"Lisa, you misunderstood..."

"Please, Mr.Kim I'll just get my things from your house. I still have savings. I can live by myself..."

Mr Kim cut her off, "Let's go home first and rest. We can talk about this later." Lisa nodded and fixed her things. "I will join Jisoo unnie's car dad, is that okay?" Mr. Kim sighed defeatedly and nodded.

We take the elevator. When we reached the lobby, our friends noticed us right away, and Jennie ran towards Lisa. She hugged Lisa tightly, and I noticed that Lisa was gripping her shirt. Preventing herself in hugging Jennie. I am so hurt of what's happening right now, but we don't have the right to invalidate Lisa's feelings.

Jennie stopped hugging her. "Baby. How are you? Do you have any pain? Baby, what's wrong?" Lisa just stared at her. Tears were escaping from her eyes. When Jennie is about to hold Lisa's face, Lisa backs away. Swipe her tears and walk past Jennie.

I can tell that everyone is shocked. Lisa stood in front of them and hugged them one by one. Jennie is about to follow Lisa, but I reached for her hand. "She would like to ride with our car, I don't know what's going on, let's just see each other in the house. Trust me, okay?" Jennie is about to protest, but Mr. Kim joined. "Let's go, sweetheart. Lisa can ride with Jisoo."

I saw my girlfriend's questioning look but I ignored it. "Come, Lisa is waiting in the car." During our 3 hours of travel, Lisa is silently crying on the backseat. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew she needed to figure it out by herself.

I tried to drive slowly, so Jennie would be at the house whenever we arrived, but I think God is on Lisa's side because they met some technical problems that they needed to stop. Mr. Kim informed me to go ahead so Lisa could rest. I wanted to decline, but I don't have any reason to.

When we arrived, Lisa went upstairs right away, and after a couple of minutes, the other 2 cars arrived. When they went to the living room, it was the exact time that Lisa appeared. With her luggage.


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