This is the first time

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I was so shocked when Lisa became cold to me. She did look at me, but that was very short, tho I saw in her eyes that she's in pain. I wasn't able to ask her further because she walked past me. I was more confused when Jisoo said that Lisa wanted to ride with them. I wanted to talk to her, but Jisoo and Dad said to let her in the meantime and convinced me that we should go so Lisa could rest. The bruise and busted lip are still there.

We arrived a little late, because we had mechanical problems. Even so, I'm happy now because we arrived home and I saw Jisoo's car, so I'm sure that Lisa is here already. When we entered our house. I saw Jisoo and Chaeyoung in the living room. "Where's Lisa?"

They didn't need to answer me anymore because I saw Lisa going downstairs with her, with her luggage? Our friends are shocked, and dad just turned around. I don't know what's going on.

"Lisa?!" She looked at me, no other emotion but pain. She walked towards us, but like earlier, she walked past me. I held her wrist gently and asked her again. "Baby, what's wrong?" When I call her that, there's something that's changed in her demeanor. She looks broken and angry. We were shocked when she pulled her hand harshly and, "You don't have the right to call me that!"

She harshly wiped her tears and looked at me again. There's so much pain. "You give up on me, Jennie." I was confused. There's a pinch in my heart when she called me by my first name. Our friends just remained standing on the corner. She gets a hold of her luggage again. "I'm lea.." I didn't let her finish. And pushed her luggage far away from her.

"Baby, I don't understand. What's going on, baby? " I talked to her softly, but she stared at me. "Don't call me that. You give up on me, Jennie! Did you forget? You signed the divorce paper. Don't worry, I signed it too. You are free." Oh no. She thought I gave up on her. "No baby, that's not.."

I didn't get to explain when she cut me off, "Of course, you didn't mean it. You just chose to give me up! You preferred that he'll have me than fight for me. When the day that he kidnapped me, I only had one thing in my mind. I will fight him whenever I have a chance so I can get to your arms again." My wife is now sobbing. I hurt her. She continued, "When he told me that we will be filming so I can ask you to divorce me. I was so happy, you know why?" Her tears are uncontrollable right now, and what I only want is to hug her.

She then continued, "You want to know why, Jennie? I was happy when he mentioned that we would be filming, and he would send the video to you. That's because,.." She cried harder. "Because It means I can tell you how much I love because I know how you love to see my face. Even though I know the consequences once I say those words and not the one he wants me to say. But I still say those, because that's what I want you to know, that I am not giving up. I'm not afraid to say my feelings to his face so he will know that he doesn't have any chance even if he will kill me. But one day, he just informed me that you sent him the divorce paper and signed it. Do you really love me, Jennie? Is that how you love me? I was so hurt, broken when I heard him that you give up on me. Instead of fighting for me.

Yeah, I get it if you thought that sending him the divorce paper will stop him from hurting me, but you never thought that I'm doing my best to fight him so I could come back to you. Am I unreasonable?" She looked at us. And we never say any single word. She then continued.

"You give me up, Jennie, and you let him have me. You don't love me, Jennie, so please file this divorce paper, I signed it."

When I heard her say that, all the blood from my face was drained. I heard our friends gasps. I never see her like this. She is always happy and bubbly. She's my ball of sunshine. But right now, all I can see is I hurt her, and I didn't mean it, but I get her, and I will never invalidate her feelings. And she's reasonable for being like this. But if she felt I gave up on her, I promised not this time.

I marched towards her, and I got the paper on her hand. I ripped it and then hugged her. "No! You don't get to hold me. No!" She tried her best to get away from my hug.

"Shhshh.. baby, I love you so much. I'm sorry if I think that signing the divorce paper will help me to save you. I didn't realize that it would break you. I wasn't able to think clearly. When I watched the video. I just want to. I don't want you to get hurt again because of him. I, I'm sorry baby, please forgive me. I love you so much, baby." We were now sitting down on the floor, and she's slightly punching me.

I then heard her in her baby voice. "No, you don't love me. You choose to give me up so he can have me." I sigh because I know I got her back. "I'm sorry baby, that's not what I want, I just, I wasn't able to think clearly. I thought if I did that, he would stop hurting you, I didn't mean to hurt you, baby. I'm sorry, forgive me." She looked at me sadly, "I'm so hurt of what you did. All I could think of was that you don't love me enough to fight for..." Lisa suddenly passed out.

"Baby, baby, hey.. Dad!" Dad ran towards me and checked Lisa. I didn't realize that she's burning. "She's burning hija, she have a fever. Dante, get ready for the car!" Dad shouted at our driver and lift Lisa up.

We all ran towards the car to rush Lisa to the hospital. I get in first so she can lay her head on my lap. Dad then shouted, "Go! Drive faster."

I hold Lisa's hand, and I promise I won't ever let it go.

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