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Today is the day! By the way, we were able to move here to our house again. My old room is one of the guest rooms already but I think that's going to be our baby's room someday. Hihihi.

"Love, are you almost done? I don't want to be late." I shouted at my wife, who's still in our room. "Almost done, baby. This is your special day, so I need to put in an extra effort." I just shook my head when I heard my wife. "But it's almost 9AM Love. Please.. let's go." I saw her then, and she looks so beautiful. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I suddenly feel that I need Jennie's finger in my core. She looks so fucking sexy.

Yes! Our sexy time level up. I learned to pleasure her as well. Although she always topped me. But right now, I want to be under her. Commanding me, talk dirty to me. Oh my god! I'm so horny. "Love, how does it feel if I get to ride your face? Can you do it, or will you be suffocated?" She was shocked at my sudden question. I did it intentionally, I really want the feeling when she's so eager to have me.

"What the fuck Lisa! You can't just ask me something like that when we are in a hurry!" I smirked provokingly. "Oh! Okay. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about it. If I  bounce on your face while I play my nipples. Fuck! I'm so wet right now, love." Her mouth remained open. "Alright, I'll just change my underwear. Call the chauffer so once we get down, the car is ready."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I squinted at her and crossed my arm. "Did you just curse me?" She takes a back when she realizes that she did. "Ahm.. sorry, it was not intentional. Unlike someone here."

I smiled at her, then hugged her. "Alright, I'll stop. I just imagined it. Anyways, if you behave until our reservation with dad and our friends. You can have me tonight. You can stretch the fuck out me using your toy, okay?" Her eyes are sparkling when I said that. Hahaha. My wife is so adorable, especially when I heard her in her baby voice. "Otay! I'll behave, baby."

I just shook my head and went to our room and quickly replaced my underwear.

We arrived at my school and there's so many people already, we saw dad in the gate, waiting for us. "Hi Dad," I approached and gave him a peck in his cheek.

We were about to get inside when Gavin, my admirer who couldn't take no for an answer, approached me even though I was holding my wife's hand. Unbelievable!

"Lisa! Hi, congratulations. I heard." He scratched her head and then talked again. "Lisa, can you give me a chance now? After this, I look for a job, and I can support you. I know that you said you're already married, but I'm positive that you're just bluffing. Every girl would love the feeling that someone is going crazy at them. Here I am now Lisa. Stop this pretense. I know you want me."

The audacity of this boy. I heard dad chuckles while my wife is raging. She wanted to unhold my hand, but I didn't let her. I don't know what she will do with Gavin. I sigh heavily and talk to him.

"Gavin, I don't need to inform you really if I'm married or not, but look." I raised my hand with Jennie's holding it firmly. And she is hugging my waist possesively, that's why I don't understand why Gavin seems not to notice that. "She's my wife Jennie and my dad." He looked at them briefly and then ignored them right away. How rude!

"Lisa, who are these people? Did you pay someone just for this? I can't believe you, even though my parents don't want me to marry a commoner like you, I'm sure they will learn to accept it if we're married already." Then the boy whispered very loudly. "It will be more convincing if I get you pregnant."

I didn't stop Jennie when she stepped forward and blocked me from Gavin, and then she flick his forehead. "Stop with your perverted thoughts. Listen here, boy, Lisa is my wife. Believe it or not." Gavin looked at me, and there's anger on his eyes. "My parents are right about you! You're a bitc-"

Gavin wasn't able to finish his sentence when I slap him. "You don't have the right to say that to me. You don't know me. Even your parents. I am not surprised that you acted like that. Since your parents are not a good influence on their son." We heard the announcement to get ready because the ceremony is about to start.

"Did you just slap me Lisa?! I will tell this to my parents so they can sue you!"

Oh my god. What a crybaby. I can't believe this. "Tell your parents that we will be waiting here, after the ceremony." Dad said. "Hmm, you're not afraid of what my parents can do. Let's see later." Gavin walked out angrily. I checked my wife, and she is still massaging my palm.

"Love, it's okay, I'm okay." My wife nodded and held my hand again. We proceeded to our designated chairs. Dad's bodyguards are outside this campus to avoid attention. There's no threat anymore, so there's no need for them to be near us.

There's a mini program before the announcement of graduates. "And for our cum laude, Ms. Lisa Manoban." Dad and Jennie stood up and clapped their hands. We then proceeded to the stage to get my diploma, dad assigned one photographer for us, then walked down the stage again. While waiting for the program to finish, Jennie received a video call from their GC. I sometimes message there using Jennie's. "Lisa! Oh my god! I heard that you are cum laude. Congratulations to our baby!" Jisoo said excitedly. "Yes, Unnie, thank you!" Then Irene talked, and she made sure that we could see her my bumping Jisoo out of the screen. I giggled. "Are you almost done there?" I nodded. "Okay. Then we'll ask the restaurant to get ready. See you later, guys!"

The ceremony ended. We walked towards the gate. However, Gavin and I think his parents are waiting for us. I just took a deep breath. It seems like Gavin doesn't even know my wife and dad. Before we could approach them, Gavin's mom marched towards me and pointed her fan at my face. "How dare you! You slapped my son? you filthy woman!" I know that Jennie and Dad want to intervene, but I'm sure as well that they want me to teach this uneducated woman.

"I did slap your son because he is being rude and he told me I'm a bitch. How did he say that? He doesn't even know me. He always asked me to date him even though you are against it because you don't like a commoner like me. Aren't you happy right now that I am on your side because I don't like your son for me as well." And smiled at them charmingly. My wife and dad are smiling, I know they are so proud of me.

"You are a bit-" my wife's hand landed on. Gavin's mom cheek. "No. You don't disrespect my wife like that. First of all, your son is the one who's always chasing my wife. He didn't believe when Lisa turned him down and told him she was married. Because if I were Lisa, I would tell your son that I don't like him because he's a crybaby, ugly, and for being so boastful for nothing." I reached for my wife's arm and pulled her closer to me.

"Love, let's go. Our friend is waiting for us." She looked at me and agreed by nodding. We're about to walked but the father blocked our path. "Oh no! You can't get away with us that easy. I will sue all of you!" Dad then chuckled and walked in front of us. He said, "Go ahead, Sweethearts. Wait for me in the car." We nodded. They are still arguing one, and then the family is suddenly apologizing to dad. Haist.

After a couple of minutes, dad showed and went inside the car. "Let's go." I got a glimpse of the family, and they are still bowing.

I shake my head. Tsk.

I am now a graduate. I thought about everything, and I decided that I would save for my own restaurant so I could still balance my life when we have a family already.

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