The Decision

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After a couple of months, the married couple got married again, but this time, they had a wedding church. Their honeymoon destination was in Paris, and the couple stayed there for at least 3 weeks.

When they come back to Korea, the loving couple decided that it's time for them to build a family. Lisa's restaurant is doing great. Jennie's boutique is growing. Everything is in perfect place. The only missing is their unborn babies.

They made an appointment to the best Ob-Gyne in South Korea to ensure Lisa's safety. They agreed that they would have Jennie's egg cell.

"So, let's see first the capability of Mrs. Kim, to make sure she can carry a child and deliver soon." The did various tests. After a couple of hours. The doctor informed the loving couple that Lisa was ready for the process. However, the doctor still advised them that the first try may not be successful, but they did not need to lose hope if, in case.

The couple went home to their they newly purchased house. They eventually agreed that they needed to have a real house with a pool and garden for them. Sometimes, their dad is staying overnight, same as their friends.

After 2 months


My wife and I are not that hopeful for the first try when we did the IVF, but still, we are praying that it's successful.

"Baby? Are you ready to go?" I was shocked seeing Lisa still in the bed. She usually wakes up first before me. I approached her and felt her forehead. She seems okay. "Are you not feeling well, baby?" She only groaned.

"Alright, sleep then. I'll go now, baby, okay? Text me when you wake up. I'll let Dahyun (the manager of Enchanted)  know that you are not going to the restaurant. Can I have a kiss?" She just pouted, but her eyes are still close. I chuckled at my baby's cuteness.

"Bye, baby." My wife tried her best to open her eyes but still a no. Hahaha. "Bye. Love, take care, and make sure to eat. I love you." I smiled after hearing that. "Will do, baby. You too, okay, love you more." She then jolted up and crossed her arm, squinting her eyes on me. Okay, what did I do? "Where's the 'i' in I love you? Are you not in love with me anymore?" I was confused, and I just smiled at her. "That was so random, baby, but I do apologize. You know that I love you very much, right?" She then turned to a cute wife smiling at me. "Really? I love you very much as well, love." Did she just turn from angry duckling to being adorable?

"Alright, I'll go now, baby. I'll try to be home early. Again, text or chat me, okay?" She nodded and went back to her original position, which is sleeping position.

I went downstairs and saw Dulce's sister, which our head maid of this house. "Gladys, please take care of my wife and make sure she eats on time, okay?" Gladys bowed her head. "Will do, madam." I nodded and went to my car and drove away.

I reached my company, and I don't need to handle everything anymore after Jisoo becomes VP. I walked to my room and checked all of the documents on my table, and signed all of it.

After a couple of hours. I heard my phone ringing and saw that it's my wife who's calling me. "Hey baby, how are you feeling? Did you eat already?" I heard her in her baby voice. "Love, what time are you going home? I miss you already." I smiled after hearing that. "Well, maybe a little after 4 PM. By 5, I'm sure I'm at home already, why do you need to do something? Or do you want me to get you something?" She then asked me, which confuses the hell out of me.

"Why? Can't I miss my wife? Are you cheating on me, Jennie Ruby Jane?" I looked at my phone, making sure I'm talking to my wife but put it back to my ear after. "Of course not, baby. I'm just asking. Hehe. I miss you more, baby." She squeals at the other line. My wife is so weird. "You do? Oh my love. I miss you even more, especially your mouth on my tutoot. Oh God, love, I might need you earlier than 5 PM. I'm so horny." What the?! She's sure it is confusing. One minute, she's accusing me now that she's turning me on.

"Baby, don't do that to me. I can't be focused after this phone call for sure. But I would love to kiss your tutoot later, okay?" She giggled on the line, and that really warms my heart. She still has an effect on me where the butterflies in my stomach are flying all over it. "Alright, love, I'll make sure that you will be eating it for minutes. I'll shave later." She whispered, and I can't control myself and picturing it out. Oh, hell no! Now I'm turned on. I click the button under my table to close the curtains on my office and to lock my door.

"Hmm. What else am I going to expect later?" My hand traveled on my boobs and gave it a squeeze. I groaned after that, and my wife seemed to know what I was doing. "Well, I will make sure that once you get home the first you will see when you open our bedroom is my shaved pussy while my finger are playing with it crying out for your name." Her voice is so sultry right now. I was about to ask again when I heard a loud knock. Fucking hell!

"Hmm, that would be a lovely sight for sure. Alright, I'll make sure to go home earlier than 5, okay?" She sounded so sad after I said that. "Okay, love, I miss you. Bye!" She then disconnected the call. She may be sad because I am cutting off our conversation. I'll make it up to her later.

I opened my curtains and then unlocked my door. "Come in." Jisoo gets in with her questioning look. "Why are your curtains closed, and you double lock your door?" I scoffed at her, "the hell you care! Fucking cockblock." She then burst in laughing. "Are you having phone sex with your wife?"

When she did get any answer from me. "Unbelievable! Hahaha. You are so fucking horny." I squinted at her. "Shut up!" Jisoo just keeps on laughing.

It's now 6 PM, and I know I promise Lisa to be home at 4 at least, but there's a sudden emergency that I need to attend to. I know my wife, she will surely understand me.

When I reached home, I saw her in the living room with her luggage. What the hell is happening. She looked at me sharply, and her eyes were so red from crying. "Baby, what's wrong? Did you cry?" She just looked at me and laughed sarcastically. "As if you are innocent. If you love whoever your mistress is, I will let you go. Let's divorce."

I was shocked at her but I am so fucking tired and I can't tolerate her craziness. "Lisa, please, I'm tired. Stop this." She just nodded. I went upstairs to get changed. However, I did not expect that I will not be seeing Lisa.

I went to the kitchen to see if she was there. I only see Gladys preparing the dinner. "What are you cooking? It smells unfamiliar?" I suddenly forgot to ask if she saw my wife. She looked at me and bowed. "Madam Lisa requested to have an Adobo, a Filipino dish Madam that she saw in YouTube." I nodded.

"Speaking of, did you see, my wife?" She shaked her head. "No, Madam." I nodded and left her in the kitchen. I then received a call from Jisoo. "Hello Jisoo." I was startled when she shouted at me from the other line. "What the hell is going on? Lisa is here crying, and she said she's divorcing you?"

I sigh heavily. "You ask her, Unnie. She accused me of having a mistress. She's so unpredictable these days."

"Are you sure you have none? Lisa being unreasonable is unbelievable, you know. I never heard her doubt you. Oh my god!" Jisoo shouted that startled me again.

"What the hell, Jisoo. Stop shouting!" She sounded excited on the other line. "Oh my god, oh my god, you are so idiot!" I scoffed at her. "And why did you say that? And why you become excited all of sudden.

"Just go here and pick up your wife, idiot!"

I'm so confused at Jisoo but still get ready to pick up my incalculable wife.

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