It will go with the flow

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We arrived at the penthouse and I informed Mr Kevin to just drop the bag on the sofa.

"Thank you for driving us here, Mr. Kevin." I thanked the driver and offered some water, but they refused. "No need to thank me, Mrs. Kim. We're leaving now." And he bowed to us.

After Mr. Kevin went out. I go to the kitchen and make some tea for Jennie. "Love, you drink this first. I will just fix your warm bath."

She then sat down from her lying position and relaxed on the sofa. "Thanks, baby, for doing all of this." I smiled at her and traced her cheek. "You're welcome. Love, finish the tea, okay? I'll come back after." She nodded and started sipping her tea.

I went to Jennie's bedroom. Even though we are now comfortable with each other and our relationship progressed to a good one. We are still sleeping separately. One day, she just allowed me to come inside her room and informed me that I could enter the bedroom whenever I needed to.

I'm done fixing Jennie's warm bath. I prepared her pajamas. And when everything is ready. I went to fetch her. I saw her scrolling her phone. "Love, it's done. Come. You take a bath while I fix your bags. Is it okay if I'll pull out everything on it?"

She looked at me and smiled. "Of course, baby."

I nodded at her and shooed her so she could take a bath and rest after. She smiled and mumbled, "So bossy." I mockingly said. "I heard that." She chuckled and answered while walking towards her room, "That's the plan, baby." And I heard her giggle.

I just shook my head. While fixing her things. I suddenly got notifications indicating I received a message. I opened it, and it's coming from my boss.

I creased my brows and gently scratched them

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I creased my brows and gently scratched them. I am contemplating in answering him without notifying Jennie. I sent a reply and then continue in fixing Jennie's bag. I heard a notification again, but I didn't bother to look. For sure it's from his boss.

I heard Jennie calling my name, I'm almost done with arranging her things, so I stood up and went to her bedroom. She's done with her warm bath and changed into her pajamas that I prepared for her.

"Yes, love? You called me.?" She nodded and gestured for me to come in. "Can you sleep beside me."

Oh! I didn't expect that. I smiled at her and nodded. "I'll just take my half bath and finish arranging your things, then I sleep beside you. Would that be okay?" I asked her softly.

She pouted but agreed. I smiled and walked towards her bed. I kissed her temple and whispered. "It won't take too long, I promise."

She looked at me warmly and nodded. "Okay, but not more than 30 minutes, okay?" I chuckled and nodded my head. "Alright, sweetie pie." I teased her. She crossed her arm and scuffed. "Shut up!" I giggled.

"Alright. You lie down first, but stop looking at your phone in the meantime. So your eyes can relax."

Jennie agreed and lied down. I walked towards the living room again to finish arranging Jennie's stuff. Afterward, I went straight to my room and took a half bath. Then, I went to Jennie's room and fixed myself beside her.

After I successfully lying down, she turned around and got my arm to encircled to her body. "You know that I like you Lisa, right.? You felt it, right? I am not taking advantage of you?" She consecutively asked. I spooned her and made her comfortable before I answered. "I felt it love, and you know that I like you too, right..? She then turns around and hugs me instead. "I felt it." She then looked at me in the eye and leaning slowly.

Her lips are on my lips, and their moving in sync. I really don't know how to kiss because Jennie is my first kiss, but I guess, when you are in this position, it will go with the flow.

When we felt we needed air, our lips were apart, but our foreheads were connected. "I'm happy I was able to admit it to you, baby." I kissed her forehead and responded. "I am too, Love."

I then gestured her to turn around so I could spoon her. After it was settled, I whispered to her. "Sleep now, my love. Goodnight." She sounded sleepy when she answered me. "You too, baby, goodnight."

I close my eyes with a big smile on my face.

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