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When I saw the police. I asked them pointedly. "Where is that bastard.?" I felt dad calmed me by gripping lightly on my shoulder. I looked at him and nodded but returned my attention to the police.

"We found the car, but it was abandoned." They started. When they accidentally looked in my eye. They can tell how angry I am. He cleared his throat and continued, "The car was abandoned because the door is still open when we see it. The man may be in a hurry, that's why he forgot the things we were able to collect." He gave me a zip lock with a mobile device in it, and I noticed it's Lisa's phone.

The screen is broken, totally damaged, but I can see the wallpaper, It was me. I remember this pic. It was taken when I stubbornly refused to get up from my bed when she called me for breakfast.

She took it using her phone, but she said she deleted it

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She took it using her phone, but she said she deleted it. I couldn't help and smile when I remembered that day. My sneaky baby.

My thoughts we're interrupted when the police cleared his throat again. "This is a cam recorder. We watched some glimpse of it. This will be our strongest evidence for him." I nodded. "Can I see it?" Dad interrupted me and said, "Sweetheart, it's best if you don't watch it."

"No, I need to know how it happened. She's on the Café dad. I need to know everything." Dad then nodded convince to what I said. "I understand,  sweetheart."

The police gave me the recorder but reminded me, "Ma'am I know how this situation is affecting you, but the content of the video may be added to your.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence when I interrupted him. "I can do it."

I played the video, and all of us are watching it. I can't blame my friends. They love Lisa so much, and that's why they may have the same reason as mine.

The video started when Lisa took out her phone. She smiled at the video, and we noticed the man slowly approaching Lisa, and the attack started. I saw everything. From the hug to how her head was bumped to the locker to how aggressively the man was kissing Lisa, and when he slapped her, he hit her twice.

I stopped the video for a couple of seconds to take a deep breath and played again. I gripped the recorder hardly when Derek appeared on the video. I closed my eyes when I heard how Lisa cried for help. I was murdering Derek in my head when I watched the following scenes. The recording stopped when we heard Jisoo in the background.

I let out a deep breath after watching the video. Dad's jaw is hard. He's angry, "I want you to find this man within 24 hours." The police didn't like how dad commanded them. They responded sharply to dad. "You can't tell us what to do, Mr.,  but what we can assure you that we will do our best."

Dad chuckled knowingly. "I see. Let me call David Seok then." The police were shocked when dad mentioned the name. I was confused, but I was able to get the answer when the officer spoke. "I, I apologized, Sir, but we don't need to involve the chief of director here." The police stuttered.

Dad scoffed, "Too late!" Then dad talked over the phone. "David, I'm good. I want you to listen to me. My daughter was molested and beat her. The suspect is on the loose. Hmmm, yes, she's resting. We're in the hospital. Now I want you to focus, I want you to find this person within 24 hours." Dad said in a commanding voice. "Thank you."

Then, he disconnected the call. He looked to the officers. They tried so hard to look away from dad's sharp look, but in the end, the officers bowed and left.

We are still waiting for Lisa to wake up. Irene and Seulgi went somewhere to get some food. I am restless while waiting for Lisa. Until I didn't know the condition of Lisa I can't relax.

Seulrene couple returned already, but my baby is still sleeping. I am just positively thinking that she's resting so she can have her energy back.

My friends are still here waiting for Lisa to wake up.

After 5 hours of waiting, the nurse came out from the room and announced. "The patient is awake, and she's looking for Jennie." I  stood up and approached the nurse. "Mrs. Kim, you can see your wife now. We will get ready the presidential suite so all of you can see her." I nodded and looked at my friends and dad. "Go on, sweetheart, we will see her in her room."

I smiled at them and entered the room.

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