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Mr Kim

I am very happy with the progress of my daughters relationship. I can already see the future that these two will get married again. Kill me if I'm wrong.

After Jennie kissed Lisa, my adorable daughter Lisa was very shy and when realized that we are still here. I chuckled and approached my two daughter. They stand up and welcome me with a hug. I'm getting emotional and I don't why. May be because my daughter is finally found someone who can make her this happy and soft.

After the hug, we looked at each other and I can see that they are in tears as well. Happy tears. I presume. I then looked at Lisa, "sweetheart, I am so proud of you for being so strong. Don't worry, we are here for you. We will protect you, understand?" She nodded tearfully. "Yes dad, thank you." I pat her shoulder.

Her friends approached them as well and engulfed them with warm hugs. There's a couple of laughter I can't help and laugh alongside.

Chef Rico then approached me to inform us that the lunch was ready. I asked the officers to join us because we were not done with the interview, and they agreed.

We all proceeded to garden where the table is set.

We happily shared the lunch that was prepared by Chef Rico

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We happily shared the lunch that was prepared by Chef Rico. I can see that all of them are enjoying the delicious meal.

After the delectable lunch. We decided to stay here in the garden to continue with the interview. We shared a couple of funny stories first, and then when I think Lisa is ready, they continue with the interview.

"Ms. Lisa, may I ask if you can tell us what happened that day. Is that okay with you?" My daughter suddenly turn to my daughter and talked to her, "I don't want you to get upset love." My daughter smiled to her gratefully. "Baby, I want to know what happened. I may get upset but it doesn't mean I'm upset because you. I'm gonna be upset with the situation. My other daughter asked again, "are you sure Love.?" Jennie smiled at her and nodded. They held each other's hand after.

Lisa started narrating the story.

"I arrived a little early that day because of the VIP that I wasn't aware that Derek Lim is the VIP. Started noticing Darius looked at me abnormally but I thought it was because I asked Mr. Song to replace me as her senior barista.

After a couple of hours Mr Derek arrived. Even though he rented a room he sat to one of the tables. In my peripheral vision he is staring intently at me. I started getting uncomfortable. I'm just waiting for my break so I can message Jennie and let her know that he's at the Café.

My colleague replaced me from the counter indicating that it's my breaktime. I hurriedly went to our locker room and get my phone. I am readings Jennie's message and was about to reply to her but.. but." Lisa stopped suddenly, and I saw my daughter Jennie scrubbing Lisa's back to calm her. It took a couple of minutes, and then Lisa started again.

"I remembered I was startled when I felt someone's back hugging me. I let go of the hug forcefully, but Darius, he, um pushed me hard to that I bumped hardly to one of the locker. I felt dizzy, he grabbed my jaw harshly and ki.. kissed me. I did my best to fight him, when I get the chance I kneed his private area. Then I tried to run away, but he was able to grasp my wrist and then slap me. I.. I think I heard a buzzing sound. I wasn't able to recover from that slap when he did it again that get my lip busted.

I think he was about to kick me, but Derek came. I know that he will not help me with how they conversed and ask Darius to get out. I still remember he looked at me deviously and asked me if I'm surprised. I didn't answer him and he suddenly..."

"Love, can you cover you ears, I don't want you to hear this." Lisa asked Jennie. I know that whatever will come out from Lisa's mouth is the worst case scenario.

Jennie shaked her head. "No, baby. We're in this together. I need to hear it. I want to know everything. "But love, it's not very nice to hear." Even in this situation, Lisa is naturally adorable.

My daughter answered. "Everything that I heard is not nice, baby. Please, baby, I want to hear it." Lisa defeatedly nodded. She looked at me. "It's okay, sweetheart. " She nodded and continued.

"So when Derek Lim asked me if I'm surprised. I didn't answer him, which I think makes him mad because he.. " She take a deep breath before she added, " she groped my breast so hard"

I gripped the glass when I heard that, we are all shocked because that part didn't capture on the recording. I will fucking kill you Derek Lim. I will fucking punish you that you will regret that you live in this world.

"He then suddenly pulled my leg and separate them. He, he top on..on me. He's hands are gripping my legs. He was able to unbutton my pants but God saved me through Jisoo unnie." Then Lisa looked at her and smiled.

I noticed that everyone is silently crying and listening intently to Lisa. I hold Jisoo's hand and whispered to her. "I don't know how to thank you Hija." She smiled shaked her head and smiled at me.

"Ms. Lisa, we appreciate your braveness. We were able to apprehended Mr Song and Park. Song said that he was offered a big amount by Derek Lim. Let us know if you want to see them. We will go now. I will keep you updated. By the way if I may suggest to assigned bodyguards to Mrs. Lisa until we catch Derek Lim, we we're leaving now." They bowed in unison and left.

"Sweetheart your graduation is less 2 weeks. Allow me to assigned 2 bodyguards for you. They will drop you off and will wait for you until you're finished then drive you back here. I you need to go somewhere let us know. Please don't ever think that we are caging you sweetheart this is only for temporary. " Lisa smiled and turned to Jennie,

"Will you be less worried if I have some bodyguards with me?" Jennie nodded. " I agreed with everything dad, thank you for protecting me."

I approached her and give her a hug. "You're welcome sweetheart and I kiss her temple.

Today is very eventful. A roller-coaster emotions to everyone but there's only 1 thing that I am very thankful after everything, Lisa is not traumatized. She's very strong woman, a delicate brave woman.

The one that fits my daughter.

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