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After we went to the mall to get something for our babies, then we went home. My wife was so tired that she slept in the living room. I already asked Dulce to prepare a BBQ and set up in the garden. I looked at my wife, and suddenly, all the experiences I had from the past few months came back. I witness Lisa being whiny, annoyed, jealous of nothing, and, of course, being so horny. Which I love the most. Hihihi. During her 2-3 month pregnancy, the cravings that Lisa had was crazy. Crazy combination. 


I felt someone's kissing all over my face. I just smiled because I know it's my wife. "Lovey, your babies are hungry. Wate up, please." I hear her baby voice. "Hmmm." I glanced on the bedside clock. What time is it? Oh! it's only 4 am. 

"Loveeeyyy.. if you can't wake up, it's fine. I'll just go alone, I'll check if Louie is awake." I shaked my head, but my eyes are still close. "No. Baby, I'm awake already. What are my babies want?" I caress her tummy after asking her. I don't understand my wife, but she's whispering. Hahaha. "Hmmmm.. I want some spam chopped into pieces and mixed it with Ramen." I mentally whispered. It's not a weird combination. Nice

But then she added after. "With lots of mayonnaise Lovey. Thank you!" I looked at her to confirm. If she's serious, what I see is how her eyes sparkle after saying what she wants. I just shook my head, stand up, and fix myself in the bathroom. What a combination!

Present time

I can't help but chuckle when I remember it. Eventually, her appetite turns to normal again. But like what I said. Her horny phase is my favorite. I smirked, remembering it.


It's only 2 PM. when I received a call from my wife. After 2 rings, I answer it. "Hey baby. How are you?" I heard her heavy breathing on the other line. "Baby? What's going on?" Then I heard her voice huskily. "Love, what time are you going home?" I checked my watch. "A little over 4 PM, baby. Why? Do you want something?" When I heard her response, my mouth gaped.

"Yes! I want your tounge, deeply inserted on my wet core Love." Then she added. "I am so horny right now Love, hearing your voice makes me wanna cum. I am playing with my boobs right now." I fixed myself so I can sit comfortably. I made sure to close my curtains and double lock my office.

"What else are you doing baby? Are you naked?" I asked huskily. "I'm still on my panties, but I removed my tank top already." She answered. "Okay, then let's imagine I am the one caressing your boobs. How would you like me to proceed?" She groaned on the other line. "Oh love, I want you to squeeze my boobs while your mouth is on my ears, my neck down to my cleavage. " Oh my god, this is so, my baby is wild when she's pregnant. "Hmm, surely I love to run my tongue to your cleavage. What else, baby?"

I can hear her panting. "Love, I took off my panties. I need your tongue on my core while, while. Shit. While you're fingering me."

Fuck! This is so wrong, I shouldn't be talking to her on the phone. I need to make her feel it. I am imagining it, and now, my panty is ruined. I need to go home. "Baby, I'm going home..."

Present time.

Oh my god. It's so hot in here. "Mrs. Jennie, the table is set up." I swiftly looked at Dulce, whew! Distraction, yep, very much needed. I nodded at her. "Thank you. Please make sure that the mango shake with almonds that are especially requested by my wife is ready as well." She bowed and left the place.

"Baby. The food is ready, come on. Let's eat so you can fully rest upstairs. " I am scratching my wife's head gently to wake her up. She groaned, but I could see her smiling. "Alright, love. I'm up." I chuckled because clearly she's not. Hahaha. "Okay, thank you. Let's go." She nodded. But in a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Hey, love. I love you." I smiled at her charmingly. "I love you more, baby." Then I kiss her tummy. "And, I love you so much, babies." My wife is smiling always whenever I talk to our babies.

"Alright. Let's go so my 3 babies can eat." She giggled. I fixed Lisa's dress when she's ready. We went to the garden so we can start our home set up date.

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