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After 5 months


My baby bump is now very obvious. I stayed at home mostly because I got tired easily, that's why. I don't want any complications for our babies. Jennie reduced her work hours as well. She is mostly at home at 4 PM. She never skips in accompanying me in our monthly checkup. But today's check-up is exciting. Today is the day we will know the gender of our babies. We decided that I'll be meeting Jennie in her office before we proceeded to the hospital. This is actually my first time visiting my wife.

I am fixing myself to get ready so we can go to Jennie's office when I receive a call. "Hi Love, I'm almost done. We're going to your office now." I heard her sigh heavily. "What's the matter, Love?" She cleared her throat before she spoke. "Baby, I... I'm sorry, but one of our clients is demanding me to see her first before we can close the contract. We never met in person yet, but she demanded to see me. I'm sorry baby, but I don't think I can accompany you. Is there any way that we can reschedule?"

I was so sad when I heard her, but I can't blame Jennje. She didn't know. "I'll go alone. Love, I'll ask Dulce to accompany me. It's okay." She sighs sadly, "Please don't tire yourself - Ms. Jennie, the client is here." Jennie didn't get to finish when I heard someone in the background. "It sounded that they need you already. Go ahead, love, see you later." I then disconnected the call. I know it's wrong for me to get sulked, but I can't help it.

I asked Dulce to accompany me, and she agreed. We went to the hospital right away after the conversation with Jennie.

When I met with our OB, she was shocked when Jennie was not with me. I told her the reason sadly, and the doctor story from our 1st to 4th month helped me to understand that Jennie's been doing her best to always bedide me.

I realized she doesn't deserve if I will get mad at her. I felt so guilty when I thought about how she missed this important day for us. She didn't know what's about to happen. As if she intentionally did not want to accompany me.

I decided that right after my check-up. I will visit my wife.

"Well, Mrs. Kim, you're having a boy and a girl. Congratulations!" The doctor said. Oh my god! We have our little princess and prince. I'm sure Jennie would be ecstatic once she finds out.

After the doctor's provided me the added lists of vitamins. I bid goodbye to our doctor so I can visit my wife. I wanted to call her earlier but I think it would be best if I delivered it to her personally. I already informed Dulce that we will be going to Jennie's office.

After we reached the company. I asked Dulce first if she could buy me some donuts. She agreed and I asked Louie to go with her so she won't take too long to get it. And they both agreed.

I went alone to Jennie's office. I asked her secretary the direction and told her not to let Jennie know that I'm here because I wanted to surprise her and Tzuyu agreed. She gave me a card key, if in case it was locked. Though it's not really needed, Tzuyu explained that she's only using the key if in case my wife asked her to get something from her office. Especially if Jennie is at home.

"Babies, we are going to surprise your mommy today. So help me, okay? It should be in silent only. Hihihi." I mumbled.

When I turned the knob of the door, it was locked. I'm glad that Tzuyu gave me the key. So I use it and I can't help but be amazed. There's no indication that the door was unlocked. It will only turn green. I open the door quietly but then,

The sight that welcomes me breaks my heart into pieces. The only thing I can think about is the reason why Jennie did not accompany me today. It's because she is busy. Well, she is.

She is busy kissing the other woman torridly.

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