Are you surprised?

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When I woke up, I tried to reach beside me, but it felt empty. I opened my eyes and searched for my phone. I found it on the dmbeside table and checked that time, It's 6:20. I sat and stretched my body, and then I walked towards Jennie's bathroom. I was able to put my toiletries here last night after Jennie asked me to sleep beside her.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I checked my phone to see if I missed anything today. When I didn't see any, I turned my attention to the gigantic mirror and checked myself for the last time..

I saw Jennie on her back she may notice that I am now in her bedroom. That's why she turned around to smile at me. She's so pretty.

I walked towards when she turned around, the way her body moved. I could tell she's ironing. I glanced and saw that it was my clothes. I smile bashfully. She's so thoughtful. I can't help myself and backhug her. We greeted and kissed each other's mouths to start the day.

After we ate, Jennie said she would be dropping me off to school. Luckily, my first subject was moved, or else I might be late.

We said goodbye to each other when we reached my school. I suddenly came up with a mission today. I will tell her what I really feel about her, I was to able to purchase a necklace for her that I am planning to give it on our 6th month anniversary but I think, I can gave it to her already. A written letter is attached to it. Hihihi. I just keep it and save until our anniversary. 

My school is over. Before I go to my workplace, I update Jennie first to let her know that I am on my way to my workplace and to compliment her of how delicious my packed lunch is.

 Before I go to my workplace, I update Jennie first to let her know that I am on my way to my workplace and to compliment her of how delicious my packed lunch is

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After I send the text, I keep my phone on my bag and start walking to my workplace.

I reached the Café and I noticed that my colleagues are very busy preparing the VIP room. I checked my wristwatch and mumbled to myself, "Oh, we only have 30 minutes left." 

I hurriedly went to the lockers to get my uniform and changed to the restroom.

I helped my other colleague, and I noticed Darius. He looked at me abnormally. He may have the news that I requested a replacement. I just ignore him and continue with my work.

After a couple of minutes and only one man arrived. He's familiar to me. Ah! It's Derek who barged in to Jennie's home a few months back. Is he the one who rented our VIP room. I thought to myself. I shrugged and continued what I'm doing.

I keep on observing the man, and I sometimes catch him looking at me intensely when I am assisting other customers. I am feeling so uncomfortable already, but I am shrugging it off. I keep on thinking that I'm almost done with my shift. 4 hours left.

Mina, the closest colleague of mine. She tapped my shoulder to inform me that it's my break time. I nodded my head and went straight to our locker to see if Jennie messaged me. When I got my bag, I checked my phone, and I did see a reply from Jennie.

After reading her message, my happiness doubled since I will be seeing Jisoo unnie

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After reading her message, my happiness doubled since I will be seeing Jisoo unnie. I was about to respond to Jennie's message but got shocked instead by the sudden skinship when someone hugged me from behind.

I untangled myself forcefully, but when I turned around, he pushed me hardly to one of the lockers, and my head bumped to it hardly. I touched the back of my head to see if there's any blood, but Darius smacked me again and kissed me hardly.

I was crying while trying my best to stop him. I determined in fighting him, when I get the chance I kneed his private part. "Arrg!" He's groaning in pain. I took advantage of the situation and readied myself to run, but he recovered quickly and pulled my arm harshly. "You bitch!" And smacked my face. 

I suddenly hear a buzz tone in my ear and get dizzy for a second. My lip is busted because I can taste my own blood. She grab my face and slap me again.

"Alright that's enough." I turned my attention to the man and It was Derek. He squatted down and level his face on mine. "Hello Lisa, what? Are you surprised?" Then he laughed demonically.

He then groped my breasts and then pulled my legs so I could lie down. I am silently praying while I am fighting for myself. Lord, save me. He's about to pull down my pants when I hear Jisoo. "Lisa! Are you there? Lisa!" She keeps on banging the door. Derek was startled and stood up right away. I noticed that he got something from the corner and from my bag, then ran off.

I slowly sat down and brought myself to the corner. I can't focus on my surroundings anymore. Then Jisoo barged in and saw my state. I looked at her, crying my eyes out. She approached me and tried to hold me, but I flinched. 

Chaeyoung slowly approached me. She's crying already. "Li..Lisa baby what happened?" I looked at them, and I was able to say, "D.. Derek and Darius they touched.." I am sobbing already and kept on muttering. "Call Jennie, please."

Jisoo then got her phone to call Jennie...

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