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I am planning to break up with Derek. That's why I am meeting him. I thought that I could continue this relationship with him, but after I heard everything that Lisa went through, I know she doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

Even though we don't like each other, I felt the connection already. I'm starting to care for her. And I know dad will not be happy if he ever finds out about me, still dating Derek after marrying Lisa.

To be honest, there's no love between us. Derek and I's relationship is to tend the itch only that needs to scratch. It is purely sex. So, I know that he will accept this and won't make it hard for me.

I went straight to the elevator and punched his floor #. While waiting, I can't help myself and think about the Barbie doll in my home. I checked my wrist watch, it's like I'm monitoring my watch to make sure I'll be home at 7.

The elevator dings, an indication that I reached my destination. I pull out my key card to unlock the door. After I opened it, I heard some giggles and incoherent words from Derek's room.

I chuckled. He made it easier for me. I felt myself making sure if my feelings were okay, and I smiled because even though I knew what was going on behind that close door, I didn't feel any ounce of pain. I shake my head. Why won't I surprise. I have never been in love with Derek.

I pushed the door open and saw Derek's ass. While the girl lies on the bed, moaning so loudly.

"Derek," I called him blankly. "Jennie! What are you?... no, babe, I'm..." This man. Is he trying to come up with a story. I cut him. And drop the bomb. "It's okay Derek, you actually made it easier for me. I originally planned to come here to tell you that I am married and I'm breaking up with you."

"What do you mean you're married?! Did you cheat on me?!" He angrily said. The audacity of this guy, really.

"Oh, please, Derek. Look at yourself, will you? Your balls are deep to that woman ass a while ago. I'm going now, so you two can continue. You might get blue balls." I smirked and marched towards the door.

I can still hear him calling out my name. Tsk, what a lunatic.

I checked my phone, Oh! What are you checking on Jennie, you didn't even have her number yet. Why would I forget to get her number? I asked myself.
I shake my head, fix myself, and drive to get home.

I bought more chocolate drinks for Lisa. I didn't see that she got some when we went to the grocery store earlier. I'll just ask her to pay me. Hehehe. She might think of something, eh.

The guards bowed at me when they saw me. I got inside the elevator and received a notification.

 I got inside the elevator and received a notification

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After I sent my response to Jisoo unnie. The elevator stopped. I walk straight to my house and punched in the code.

I saw Lisa on her shorts fixing our dining table. When she noticed me. She smiled dearly, "Unnie, you're here. Come, I'm almost done preparing our food. Do you want to change first?" She's blabbering and a little excited.

I smiled at her, "Sure, I'll change first, then we eat. Ahm. By the way, kindly arrange this on the refrigerator. Your drinks. It's ahm,, free when I bought my lipstick. Ridiculous, right?! Anyways, I'll change now."

I went straight to my room, and I wanted to kick myself. So fucking lame! My mind is ready to ask for a payment but the hell with the shorts of her! I need to make sure this won't happen again. It's embarrassing..

A couple of minutes I heard Lisa calling me.
"Unnie, the food is ready. Are you almost done?"

"Coming!" I fix my hair and dress. And walked to dining area.

The food is simple, but perfectly arranged.

Once we are settled, she put some food on my plate

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Once we are settled, she put some food on my plate. I cleared my throat. "By the way Lisa, you need to stop calling me unnie especially if people are around. That's incest. Come up with any endearment that you will use."

"You're right unnie." She pouted while thinking. "Okay, how about Unniebaby?"

I almost choked on my food. What the hell is Unniebaby?

"Lisa, that's ridiculous.! Can't you come up with anything?" I scoffed.

She became silent. I think she's thinking hardly because her eyes suddenly sparkeld. "I'll call you Love. Like this, ehem, is the food great, or do I need more practice? Tell me honestly, love." She ended that with puppy eyes.

A warm gush on my chest, the way she said the endearment. If it feels like it feels so natural. I looked at her, and I think she's waiting on my response. I looked at her directly. "The food is great, baby. I love it."

She smiled at me and gestured to eat more.

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