Coffe Maker

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The dinner went well. We decided to watch some movies. But I can't focus really because I'm at the floor doing my school work and reviewing at the same time.

"Lisa, you have a study table in your room. Why don't you continue reviewing in your room? You might get distracted."

I turned to Jennie, "No, unnie, it's okay. I'll accompany you. I just need some minimal reviews."

Jennie nodded. "Okay, how about this. Let's turn off the TV and play some music. I'll do some work as well. I have a meeting tomorrow."

"I think that would be great, Unnie." Jennie stood up and walked towards her room. After a couple of minutes, she came with her laptop.

The married couple stay focused on their own thing. Until Lisa stood up and went to the kitchen to make some tea and black coffee for Jennie.

She then brought their drinks placed on the tray. "Unnie, I made some coffee for you. It's black, don't worry." I smiled at her after placing down the tray on the center table.

"Please tell me if what adjustments are needed so for the next time that I'll make you coffee." She looked at me after sipping her coffee a couple of times.

"Almost perfect, just a tiny bit of coffee." Are you going to be my coffee maker from now?" She jokingly said because she's smiling.

"That's my plan." I looked at her intensely then, "Unnie, I know that we didn't start as a couple, but I want to be responsible being your wife. If I can make you coffee, cook something for us, I'll do it." I ended shyly.

"You know that you didn't need to do this. You don't need to make something for me. But, if you think you needed to, I'm not stopping you." She said seriously.

I answered her right away. "But I want to Unnie. It's not that because I think it's needed to our set up but because I want to." Then I added jokingly, "you will be my personal taster so I can enhance my cooking."

"Really, huh? Okay. I'll be your taster. Does it mean you will be cooking for us from now on?"

"Yes, Unnie! Except for the days that I will be coming home late. Sometimes, I needed to do some extra hours. I'll definitely update you, in case."

"Lisa, please don't get offended if I say this okay. But for me, you really don't need to work anymore. I can provide for us, for your needs. You don't have to pay any pennies. That's my responsibility now."

I smiled at Unnie because she's so kind. "Unnie, I really want to work. For personal reasons, and I know that you're rich, that doesn't mean I need to depend on all of my needs to you. That's very wrong. At least I want to cover at least for the smallest things that we need. And! I want to make sure that I have something for you when there's a special occasion."

She looked at me amused. "I'm so proud of what you become Lisa, after all the hardships you've been through. I mean, some people may take advantage of the situation." She said seriously.

I don't know what happened to me, but I became emotional. Maybe because this is the first time I heard it from someone. It's been too long. I was alone and I don't think there's something special what I am doing. I sneakily tried to dried off my tears. After taking a breath. I looked at her sincerely.

"Thank you, Unnie. I appreciate that you accepted my decisions." She may notice that I cried because she gave me some tissues. "I'm sorry, hahaha. When you say those words. I can't help but become emotional. You know that I have been living alone for how many years already so I didn't expect any compliments from anyone. I cheekly smiled and added, "It's really nice to hear it. My heart is happy." I felt appreciated, Unnie."

She smiled at me. "It's okay, Lisa. Just always remember that you are a great woman, okay?" I smiled to her and nodded. Then she asked, "Then, if you needed to update me. We need to exchange numbers?

"You're right. What's your, Unnie?"

She provided her number, and I chatted her so she could save my number. Unnie received a text from me, and I suddenly became shy and returned my focus in my paperwork.

 Unnie received a text from me, and I suddenly became shy and returned my focus in my paperwork

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"Oh!" I heard her suddenly. And said, "I saved your number. I chatted with you back, including the 3 snacks that I want. As part of our deal."

"Okay, Unnie," I shyly mumbled. She chuckled. "Are you shy? Hahaha. Aren't you going to check what I chatted?" I whisperedly responded, "Later, unnie, I'm a.. I will finish this first."

She giggled. "Come on, let's sleep. It's getting late."

"Alright, I'll just take care of this and clean a little. Then I'll go to my bedroom right after."

She's about to protest, but I interrupted her right away. "It's okay, Unnie. Let me do this, please. You can go to your room now."

"Hahaha, so eager to leave you alone, huh? Okay, I'll sleep now. Good night, Lisa."

She is teasing me. "Unnie, stop teasing me, please. And goodnight."

She approached me to pat my head. "Alright, I will not tease you anymore. Goodnight, my baby duckling."

When I saw that she entered her room. I checked her message. I felt so warm after reading her text and looking at her bedroom.

I put my cell phone to my pocket and started fixing the cups we used

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I put my cell phone to my pocket and started fixing the cups we used.

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