Stirred a little

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I woke up early today. I stirred a little when I felt Lisa's arm on mine. I smiled when I remembered our conversation last night. Lisa liked me. And I love her, I just can't say it yet because I want it to be special.

I turned around and looked at her face. She looks like a baby. My baby. I smiled and started ghosts tracing her face. I blurted out, "My heart adores you, baby. I hope you know that."

I accidently tap her nose, which makes her scrunched her nose. I giggled. My baby is so adorable.

I lightly kissed her nose and then tried my best not to wake her up. I am planning to cook us breakfast.

When I successfully untangled myself, I went to my bathroom first to fix my hair and brushed my teeth. I turned off the light and glanced at my baby. She changed her position , whose face is now on the pillow.

I am controlling myself to return on her side and hug her. I positively think that we have all the time in the world. I smiled with that thought and went to the kitchen.

After making the breakfast and Lisa's packed lunch. I proceeded to Lisa's room to prepare her clothes for today. I take a look at her room, and I can see how clean the room is and her things are organized. I chuckled when I noticed that her study table was kind of messy. I chuckled and fixed it. When I successfully got her clothes, I decided to iron it.

I will ask Lisa later to move her things into my room. Why do we need to sleep separately if we already sleep beside each other.

I am now convinced that I'll buy a camera for her as my 6th month anniversary gift. She mentioned once that she loves photography and she's saving to buy one. I will definitely make sure that I'll buy the newest and the best one. Everything for my baby, I mumbled.

After getting everything that I needed from Lisa's room. I heard a flushed. Oh, my baby's awake. I checked the clock and it's 6:30 am already. Her schedule for today is from 8 to 12, then go straight to her workplace until 6 pm.

I am now ironing her clothes in my room when she went out of the bathroom. I glanced at her and smiled.

I could sense her on my back when I felt her arms encircled on my waist

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I could sense her on my back when I felt her arms encircled on my waist. "Be careful, baby, you might get burned." She giggled and greeted me incoherently because her face was pressed on my shoulder. "Good morning to you too, Love." I giggled and turned around to hug and peck her lips. "Good morning baby, the food is ready. You take a bath first." She nodded, but before she went to her room, she pecked my lips and kissed my nose. My heart is full and warm with the gesture.

After ironing Lisa's clothes. I take a quick bath as well to get ready. I am planning to drop her off at her school.

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