I worried you.

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I entered Lisa's room and whe we looked at each other. She burst into tears. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Sshh. Baby, I need you to calm down, please. "

I sneakily wipe my tears that's uncontrollably pouring. I noticed how Lisa gripped the hem on my dress, like she's getting her strength there.

I gently rub her back up and down to comfort her. She then looked at me in the eye, and my heart was in pain. She looks vulnerable, and I see sadness on it. "I'm sorry.. if I take too long to wake up. I.. I'm sorry if I worried y.. you." She whispered.

I felt millions of needles prickling my heart when I heard Lisa. She's apologizing to me as if it's her fault that she sleeps for 5 hours. I don't deserve this woman, but I will do my best that I can to be deserving for her.

I lift her chin up, and I can now see her face closely. I cursed Derek in my head. I will fucking kill you for what you have done.

I'm about to answer her but she suddenly  hid her face by hugging me. "Don't look at my face, I'm ugly now." I heard her baby voice and a gushed of warm spread through my heart.

I lift her chin again so she can see in my eyes how sincere I am. "You are not ugly, baby. You're the most prettiest woman I ever see."

I then pecked her lips gently so I won't hurt her. I added after the kiss, "Do you understand? And I'm okay to be worried as long as I got to see you." Then kissed her again.

We cried, but now I'm a bit relaxed when I see and hold her. She then pouted her lips and mumbled "one more." I kissed her again, and she requested the same thing until her 5th request she added, "I want you to kiss me more so we can erase the.. the lips from that.. that.. man. I don't want to remember him kissing me." Then she looked at me. "I only want your lips on mine. Love, please."

As if someone was gripping my heart when I heard her. "Shh.." I rub her back again, and I noticed that the monitor beeps continuously. "Baby, I need you to calm down. Please, baby." I remained hugging her, soothingly telling her that everything would be okay. It takes a couple of minutes when she calms down. I relaxed when I heard the monitor beeps normal again.

We are still hugging each other when the nurse comes in silently. "Mrs. Kim, your wife's room is ready. We can transfer her now." I nodded and turned my attention to Lisa. I kissed the top of her head, her forehead, nose, and her lips again. "Baby, you lie down so we can transfer on your room."

She looked at me, and I saw that she's a bit hesitant. "I'll be here, baby. I won't leave you. I will be on your headrest area to push your bed slightly, okay?" She relaxed and lied down. She reached for my hand, so I held on to it and locked our fingers.

The nurse may notice how complicated my position is, so she suggested. "We can actually use a wheelchair to transfer Mrs. Kim." I nodded and looked at my wife. "Is wheelchair okay with you?" She nodded. "Yes, love, I can perfectly walk. We can actually walk to the room if you want." She told me I disregarded her suggestion. "No, we can't allow that yet. Let's use the wheelchair in the meantime. She finally agreed. "Okay, love."

I signaled the nurse to get the wheelchair. When she entered. I guided Lisa and helped her sit on it. The nurse nodded when we were settled and positioned herself on the back to push the wheelchair.

I saw my dad waiting for us outside. He then took over in pushing Lisa's wheelchair. "I'll take it from here." My dad said. The nurse nodded and walked beside us.

Lisa then looked up to see my dad and dad, looked down, and they both smiled at each other. "Hi dad, thank you." My dad is getting emotional. He tearfully smiled at Lisa. "Hello, sweetheart, and you're welcome."

We then continued to walk. I walked slowly so I could match the pace of the wheelchair. Lisa then put our interlock hands on her unswollen cheek and feel it. I smiled and rub Lisa's right eyebrow so I could return the gesture. She looked up at me and smiled.

We reached her room and I saw Seulrene and Chaesoo waiting for us. Lisa smiled and waved at them. She then called Jisoo unnie. We stopped so Jisoo could approach Lisa. She leveled herself to Lisa, and Unnie got startled when Lisa threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly. Lisa is stuttering when she talks to Jisoo because she's crying.

"Jisoo unnie, I just want to.. she sobbed, and I rubbed her back to comfort her.

Everyone is crying already. Then Lisa continued, "I just want to thank you for saving me." Jisoo unnie is crying, but she smiled and looked at Lisa. She wiped her tears. "Sshh. You saved yourself, Lisayah.. I did what I needed to do. I can't imagine myself if I wasn't able to save you. Your wife may kill me." She jokingly said.

And that made Lisa smile so big and then looked at me. I gently poked her nose. She scrunched her nose after that. I chuckled.

She then looked at everyone. "Thank you, unnies, for finding and saving me. I love you all." One by one, they approached Lisa to hug her.

Irene said, "Rest well, baby, okay? So we can go shopping again." Then kissed her unswollen cheek.

Seulgi was next. After the hug. Seulgi suddenly mentioned. "I already have an idea what to give you on your graduation. So rest well so you can pick personally. Okay?" My baby asked Seulgi, confused. "Unnie, that supposed to be surprised, why would I pick it?" Seulgi realized it and said. "Right, forgive your unnie then."

I heard my baby giggle. Then Rosie, "Lisa baby, I got you a tumbler. Do you want to see it?" My baby nodded excitedly, so Rosie stood up to grab her bag.

Dad pushed Lisa's wheelchair again so she could lie down comfortably. Once Lisa was settled. I remained on her side, holding her hand. We are making sure not to mention the event earlier. Since we all watched the video and knew what happened.

The doctor entered, and we stopped talking. "Hello Lisa, how are you feeling? Do you feel any pain in your ear?" Lisa shaked her head.

"Good! So I came here to inform you that you will be discharged tomorrow. I just needed you to continue taking the antibiotics for your ear." Lisa nodded and then looked at me. I nodded in approval and  squeezed her hand.

"Very well, I'll be leaving now. Mr. Kim." My dad shaked the doctor's. Before he can get outside. I stopped him.

"She can eat anything, right? No restrictions at all.?"  The doctor nodded. "Yes, just look out and avoid eating salty or spicy so the wound on her lips will not sting." I nodded. Then the doctor left.

"Is there any food that you like, baby? She's on her thinking face. "How about burger? Is that allowed?" I answered her while clipping her hair on the back of her ear. "Yes, I think burger would be fine." She smiled after.

Dad then gets his phone to place an order for everyone.

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