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Happy reading!!!


" Hey Angad ? Where did you gone ? I was waiting for you in the institute and when did you gone from the school" , keerthi asked me  when I cutted nia's line and attend her call

" Are you waiting for me in tution? "

" Yeah ! Come fast and after this we gonna do our project Naa ! Don't you forget that Angad "

" I will be their in five minutes" , I said her and cut the call and I again called nia.

" Talked to keerthi? Seriously dude you put me on the hold ! I am your bestfriend you know that right"

" I know yaar but I was.....just leave it
I was getting late for the tution let's talk at night"

" Okay but don't be an idiot for a girl "


When I entered inside the class. Saw Keerthi was taking notes and listening the lecture. She was wearing pink dress with lose hair. It's kinda so cute. Admiring her I just lost my sense. Until I heard teacher's voice " Angad Come inside" , I went inside and simply sat beside of her.  She looked at me with a small smile and started to listen the class.

But I can't able to listen the class. I was stuck between What should I react and what should I do next ! I was really confused but she was peacefully listening the class. I shouldn't blame her because she doesn't know what's going on my mind.


After the class. We left to her house to complete our project work which we promised to do together.

Her mom was really sweet and her house looks so peaceful it's all indian type. I saw some pictures of their family pictures in the wall. There was a picture of keerthi and Dharshi. They were kid and it was really cute. They may hate eachother now but I guess they were too close with eachother in their childhood. And I saw Keerthi 's  solo childhood picture. It was really so cute. Without Keerthi 's knowledge I clicked a picture of hers and kept my phone aside and started to do some works.

After finishing the work I left to my house without talking about Abeer to her . I was not curious to about him but I has to know Naa what happened between them and what's going for now.



When I enter into my house. I saw my dad was standing with Robin. What the hell is he doing here.

" Baby finally you are here ! I was waiting for you at the park. You promised me a date right don't you remember that " , Robin asked and with a blank face I looked at my father.

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