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Happy Reading!!!

Keerthi's pov

I left with nick to the police station.... leaving Dharshi with Abeer....I can't ask help from Angad... although he talked like that yesterday.

When nick filed case on Robin....they arrested him and take him to the station. Robin also accepted his mistake and I took my sandal off and slapped him with it then the cops puts him behind the bars.

Robin parents were angry on us. But what he made was can't be right. But they apologised to us at same time for his mistake.

Cops told us Robin has surrendered and atleast for 3 months she need to stay on the prison. And nick doesn't want me to stay more time there we left from there as soon as possible when everything was done.

" This has done....what about Dharshi now ? "
Nick asked me

" Plan something for's all in your hands now "
I said and he started to think.

" Why don't you guys go for trip ? "
Nick asked me

" Do you really think mom will allow us ? and Dharshi's dad can allow but mom....we are in America but we are still Indians behave like indian girl , she will stay it "
I said and he laughed

" Okay fine.....I will talk with mom "
He said

" Okay then it's totally fine "

" Come to Los Angeles....I will be there and come with your friends and Dharshi 's friends....she will really feel better"

I nodded.

" Stefan...Damon ...Otis .... everyone will come naa ..... because when I am not guys should be safe "

" Girls also there okay......we are also strong.."

" Okay okay I agree.....girls are more stronger than boys "

" That's good for you "

"  Are you not angry on me for leaving Dharshi with Abeer "

" For now....I need Dharshi should be comfortable , realax and heal from it..... that's the only reason I am not talking anything about him "

" Should I take him for the trip with us "

" Do you guys still have feelings for him"

" I doesn't have any feelings for him but I know Dharshi still do.....if he was there with us.... Dharshi will be happy....what you say ? "
I asked him

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