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Happy Reading!!!


When I entered inside Keerthi's room
I saw her sitting silently on the bed waiting for me .  She looks confused. I went to her and sat beside of her when she saw me and moved and gave me some place to sit beside of her.

"  I heard about you and I really feel sorry that I am not with you that time "
I said

" It's okay Abeer ! Say thanks to Angad he was the one who been with me that time from my side I doesn't need to thank him but you can right because you feel sorry " she said and I chuckled softly

" Are you okay now ? "
I asked her , she holded my hand and put her head on my shoulder and said
" I am 100 % okay for now " I smiled

" I doesn't know how strong feelings
I have for you but you were really a comfort person to me Abeer "
She said and I kissed on her cheeks and she hugged me


" We shouldn't be here for a long time
Dharshi respected your feelings right"
Keerthi said

" You are right! She really respect my feelings and give us some time "
I said

" Angad and Dharshi are outside
We should go "

" You are right"
I said and lifted her by arms

" Oh my God Abeer....I doesn't lost my legs I still have....just balance me please I can walk " she said I giggled

" You were a patient right so I treated you in a romantic way "

" First of all I am not a patient "

She said and I chuckled

And we left to the hall together
Saw Dharshi and Angad were talking something serious they stopped it when they saw us

" I have a plan....till my mom comes to house can we play games "
Keerthi asked

" What game ? "
Angad asked

" Why don't we play truth or dare"
Dharshi said

" Okay sure "

And we started the game.

Keerthi spinned the bottle
It stopped between
keerthi and Dharshi

" Truth or dare "
Keerthi asked her

" Truth "
She said

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