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Happy Reading!!!!!

Next day

Keerthi's pov

While I getting ready , i got call from Angad.

" Happy Birthday Baby "

" Thank ready up ? "

" Yeah just in 5 minutes"

" Actually the plan was cancelled....why can't we go to school today! ? "

" Are you kidding ? I told my mom that I going to Caroline house to study....but she kept asking me for taking leave today.... But but I said something and got permission to take a leave today but suddenly how can you change the plans "

" I just felt like not going out today"

" Seriously? Is this is the reason"

" This is my birthday right? I want to go to school today and that's it"

" Whatever....ummm....let's meet in the school "

I said and cut the call.

He's acting weird....all in the week....I thought everything is okay going between us after he told about the outing plan on his birthday. And again he started to act weird.


I said something to mom.....and left to school. She really has a fishy thought on me for sure.

I saw Angad and went to him and hugged him saying
" Hey you ! Happy birthday"

" Thank you..... Actually I am sorry"

" Totally fine for now.... cause it's your birthday and you know something i throwing a party tonight at Caroline's's a small get together with our private Circle friends"

When I said that he smiled.

" Can I bring nia there ? "

" Ofcourse you can you celebrate your birthday without your friend?..... actually B-E-S-T best friend"
I asked and he smiled.

" And this is my small token of love for you on your birthday "
I said and handled my gift to him.

He smiled and opened the t-shirt

" I love seeing you on you should wear this on the party "
I said and he nodded.


Abeer's pov

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