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Happy Reading!!!


It's sports day and I am the cheerleader I should be and I have to be concentrated but something terrible going inside me that do I really can be friends with Abeer ? Did that really easy to him ? I was really confused about my own feelings.

But I trust In time and I am sure that the timing gave me a answer.

I voluntarily gave instructions to my team members and saw Ruby was sitting in the audience bench.....I really miss her now...if she was her she could really helped me but at the same time I really angry on her for what she done.

I saw Abeer coming towards me , wearing his jersey he looked absolutely so handsome.

" You look good on your cheerleader dress " He said

" You too good on your jersey"

" Do you believe that I will won on this match "

" Please don't ask me that , I will not answer"

He giggled and said " I know "

" I think I need more time on you
For now I can't be your friend! Mentally I need some time to accept you as my friend because you know for me it's kind of difficult "

" I am totally understand...take your own time and I will be always your side even we were friends "

I gave a small smile

And his team members called him.
And he left and I went and stand with my others team members.



" Where are you ? I am waiting for you here " I asked Keerthi in the phone call

" Listen my mom is still getting ready"
She said

" Seriously I wouldn't able to concentrate on the match.... please come here Naa "

" What ? Man go and practice well
You are gonna loose because my brother's gonna win the match "

" I loose or win on today's match....all I want to see you before I going to play "

" Are you practicing this flirty line to tell to your girlfriend right don't you? "

" What ? Noo.....I just spilt it from my heart "

" Seriously you are gonna lose on the game for sure "

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