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Happy Reading!!!

Next day !!!

Keerthi's pov

It's almost lunch time....we all were having lunch at canteen. Robin came towards us with red rose bouquet. And knelt down and proposed her.

Seriously? Robin proposed Dharshi. I know Dharshi should never accept that.....waste of time for Robin.

Suddenly she took the bouquet and smile at him. Did she accepted the proposal?  Is that smile means that .

" I love you too Robin "
She said and Robin's gang were giggled at him.

Is Dharshi is insanely crazy? I need to talk to her .

" Dharshi we need to talk"
I said

" Don't you see this keerthi....I am busy with my boyfriend"
She said

" Better talk after wards Keerthi "
Robin said

I just left from the canteen and Angad followed me back.

" What is she doing? "
Angad asked me

" I have no idea of what is she doing"

" Last time I was the one...who saved her from him "
He said

" What ? What are you saying? "
I asked and he told me everything.

" Why don't you never told me about this "
I shouted at him

" I promised to Dharshi but I don't know why she accepted his proposal now ...I clearly know that...she hated Robin so much"

" I really need a explaination from her Angad. Robin is not a good person I know him....Damon told me about him....he is not a good person as much he shows "

" You relax....let us will find out what happened "
He said and I nodded.


Abeer's pov

When I was at football court. Chandni ran into me.

" Did you know what happened? Dharshi and Robin are together now "
She said

" Stop the rubbish Chandni"

" Don't you believe me? Just go and see it in your own eyes "

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