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Happy Reading!!!

Angad's pov

I was totally upset about the whole thing that happened on yesterday. I doesn't even like opening my phone anymore.
While I was taking my staff's from the locker. Stefan came and pushed me against the wall and " what the hell you did to my bestfriend ? "
He asked me holding my collar.

" Now you just need to delete the photos you uploaded on the Instagram and stop spoiling her name "
He warned me and left

" What was he telling?? "
In a confusion I entered inside the football court to meet my couch. I saw Maeve running to me.

" Angad.....Angad...."
She said my name trying to stop breathing heavily

" What happened! "

" First login to the Instagram and
delete that post "
She said

" What post ? What are you talking "
I asked Maeve.

" Don't you know that ? It was the peak gossip in our school "

" I have no idea what
you are talking about "

" How could you have, you just trying to spoil my image "
Keerthi said coming to me.

" What you want? Ahh you are the one who left me and got a girlfriend right then why the hell you are doing this ? "
She asked with full of anger in her eyes.

" Keerthi, what are you talking what I did"
I asked her because I have no idea what everyone were talking about.

" Really? Stop your dramaa ,
You are such a bastard "
She said and took her phone and showed me the post in my feed.

" What ? I didn't post this , wait "
I took my phone and checked it.

" Keerthi trust me, I didn't post this "

" Oh really, I only shared these photos to you and it's clearly your Instagram account, so who else can post it on your Instagram feed ? Really Angad , how could you do this to me "

" Keerthi trust me , I have no idea how it happened...  Just wait I will delete it "

" It's already viral all over the school, and thanks for showing ,
that you can do anything and
The problem is not the photos were shared, the problem is you shared.....After all this I just had some trusts on you , now you just broke that too Angad "
She said and slapped me
" This is not for posting those pictures, it's for breaking my heart once again "
She said and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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