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Happy Reading!!!

Dharshi's pov

Ruby want to go from Damon decided to go with her for her safety.

" I know how you feel right now.....I am not in Ruby's side.....I am in your side and Keerthi' a friend I just want her to be safe "
Damon said before they leave.

" I know you Damon , No explaination needed "
I said to him and hugged him and said bye.

Ruby came out from the room and looked at me

" Trust me Dharsh.....What you believing is not true....they are more than that "
Ruby said

" Can't you leave soon before I would slap you again as much as hard I can "
I said and she left rolling her eyes with Damon.

" Damon have a safe journey.....when you reached inform me "
I said to him and they left.


Abeer came to me and said

" Are you okay Dharshi? "
I asked me

" No , I am not! Why were you silent when Ruby just mocked you using Keerthi's name ? "
I asked him

" I can't slap her because she is your friend but you can.... that's why I waited for you to slap her"
He said

" What ? "
I asked and giggled. It's not funny is it.

" Do you trust me "
He asked me

" Ofcourse not but I trust keerthi that's why I am confidence about Ruby's wrong"
I said

" Thanks for the honest answer "
He said

" What was that ? "
I asked him

" About what ? "

" About what happened between us today? "
I asked him

" Dharshi.... listen I love you and I know that you too love me "

" I know that but you love keerthi too......I am saying this as much as I remember our last conversation when.... huh.. when we were normal without any fight I guess "

" I loved keerthi I agree but something between us changed ...... something between us is different now....So I feel like I don't need anyone than you , not even keerthi. "

" It's crazy to hear Abeer....I doesn't want to believe you anymore "

" What should I do to make you believe? "

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