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I was waiting for Dharshi in the classroom. I know she is  a early person and always comes first to the school. As I expected she entered in the class. She lefted to her place sat there and I sat beside of her.

" Please don't sit with me " , she said
And I went to front bench and sat and turned to her side.

" What's going between you and Robin? Is everything okay"
I asked her

" What ? " , she asked me

" Is Robin disturbing you ? "

" What ? Who told you like that "
She asked me like there is nothing
But that's not true I know

" I can Sense it ! You can share your problems with me Dharshi "

" I don't need you anymore! Just go away from me Abeer " , she said and I placed my hands on her.

" I know there is many complicated things going between us but I will always there for you and I love you Dharshi "

" I don't want to play this game anymore " , she said and removed my hand from her and left from the class.



Finally Caroline back to school. Now she is perfectly Alright and she was not in mood to talk with me because of Abeer's issue.

" Elena Can we all go to pop's for dinner" , I asked Elena

" Sure Keerthi,What's about you guys "
Elena asked everyone.

I asked that to Elena because I really wanna boost up Caroline mind.

" You guys go and I have lots of
Work to go so I am not coming" ,
Caroline said

"  Stefan you and your girlfriend are coming right? " , I asked him

" Ofcourse,Caroline you should come " , Stefan said to her and she looked at me

" Is Abeer is coming " , She asked me

"  No ! It's only friends night " , I said

"Then I am coming! I am coming stefan"
She said and All I want is that

" Keerthi should I invite Damon for dinner " , Elena asked me

" As your wish Elena " , I said to her

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