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Happy Reading!!!

Dharshi's Pov

When we came back to home. Nick straightly left to his room and I followed him back.

" Nick please stop doing this "
I said while following him back and he turned back
" Stop doing what ?? What you did is right Dharshi? "
He asked I was completely silent.

" I not even want to look at your face "
He said 

" I know that you are so angry on me
But please don't say and react like this it hurts alot "
I said while sobbing.

" In this moment I hate you so much"
He said and left inside the restroom.

I can't able to be strong after hearing that from my brother...I started to cry like a hell.


Keerthi's pov

I was sitting in the sofa and thinking about what nick did today.

Dharshi came from Nick's room and sat next to me. She was crying like a baby.

"Like seriously? What did happened "
I asked her and I know definitely nick should have shouted at her .

She told me everything.

" I know this gonna happen... that's why I am silent ....he was so angry on us and whatever we talk he's not gonna listen us and just leave him...let the time passes and everything will alright.... crying and arguing is not a point "
I said

" I shouldn't have listen to you "
She said and left to balcony.

She can't able to handle it that's why bursting it out. 

Nick came out from his room.

" Give my credit card "
He asked me

" What ? Why ? "

" Last time when you won the game I give you this a girl like you doesn't deserve just give my credit card"
He said

" Nick ! You are angry on me I know.....and I made mistake but that doesn't make you hate me like and I am your blood sister don't forget that "

" Give my credit card "
He said again....not even looking at my face

" Just look at me and say that I am not your sister...I will give you the card "
I hope he should not say that

He looked at me
" From today you are not my sister
And we are no body to eachother "
He said

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