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Happy Reading!!

Dharshi's Pov

When I wake up.....I saw myself lying on the bed cover bedsheet. And search Abeer but he is missing. And got a note on the lamp table.

"See you at school
By A "

Abeer left leaving a note.

Then I got ready up and left to school.

I searched Abeer allover the campus and find him sitting in football court.
Then walked through him and saw him that he looks so sad and holding a lady's picture. And I sat next to him.

" Abeer are you alright? "
I asked and he looked at him and hugged me and started to cry.

I cooled his back and said
" You will be okay "

" I will never be okay Dharshi"
He said and back off from the hug and showed him the picture.

" This is my mother.....I can only see her photo but not in real life anymore"
He said and he is totally broken.

I don't know why he is saying like this.
His mother is alive but....I can't understand anything.

" How she died...if you don't wanna comfortable sharing it then it's totally okay"
I said and he stopped me holding my hand.

" My mom and dad was married and lived a happy life for 2 years.....but when Angad's mom came again in their life .....he left with her in a heartbeat.. leaving my mom and me.....but after also my mother became so strong and being a single parent....she raised me so level and thought me music but at my age 7....she passed away because of cardiac attack then my legal guardian my father took me to his place and in this 10 years I was living with the people who destroys my life. And I hate being with them "
He said and I doesn't know what to say to him .

" Dharshi.... because of Angad and his life destroyed and my mother also not with family life was ruined.....I am just waiting to complete my age 18 and after then I will live by myself "
He said

" Abeer today is your mother's death don't think about anything but your mom..... We need to go to your mom's grave and put some flowers okay.... maybe you mom gone but she is always with you okay "
I said and he hugged him .

" Don't worry Abeer !
Everything will be okay "


Angad's pov

I came to school earlier and waiting for keerthi.....In a moment I said that I have feelings for her....and I don't know how she will takes it. And yesterday she said that let's talk about this later.

And the wait is over but I am still waiting for her . Then I called her when she picked the phone. She not even said hello but " Angad I can't come today because
I still feel pain in my leg "

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