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Angad's pov

I doesn't feel like going home , Keerthi must be with Peter right now. I just made everything miserable , now I am suffering I just feel like I deserved this pain , I really deserve this,  I just want to go to her and tell her everything that happen and I want to just apologies her and get back to her , I can't just simply sit here and cry , I just want to get back to her , no no tomorrow the first thing, I gonna do is to tell her about everything happened in this summer. tomorrow morning I going to tell her whatever happened in the summer and what's going between me and love and  everything.

And I left to my house , after spending some time alone in the park. When I entered inside the house I Saw Abeer and love playing games on the TV. What the hell love's doing here.

" Oh my god my boyfriend is here " love said coming to me opening arms to hug me. I just ignored her and left into my room.

And she follows and came into my room " what happened what are you doing ignoring me seriously Angad ? " She question to me about my behaviour.

"  What the hell are you doing here "
I asked her

" I came here to see my lovely boyfriend , I just missed you baby " She said coming close to me. I just moved and said " stop calling me that first and we both know that we don't love each other Actually I don't love you and I already told you that I am sorry , I accepted your proposal that time , I am really sorry but please forgive me I just want to get back to keerthi , she is the one I love , I really love her please understand me , love and I does not want this relationship ".

" So you just want me to go back to my home , I convinced parents to let me stay of a few days just to be with you... But you are just trying to sending away "
She said

" First of all I made a mistake and then you made a mistake and we are on a misrable we don't have love between us , we were faking it to everyone "
I said her to understand the situation.

" When I proposed you and you said okay , 'you want to be in relationship with me' why did you accept it ? "
She asked me.

" Like already I told you I was angry at my girlfriend and I want to do something to make her jealous that's why I just accepted your relationship and then I realised I am not that person who particularly jealous the partner "
I told her

" Oh so why were you angry at her "
She asked me, I cleared my thoughts and said " she posted pictures with her ex boyfriend with some messages in Instagram so I was just angry at the moment and then I realized he is her friend that time "

" So what she is friends with her ex boyfriend, why don't you just be with me"

" Why are you so curious about I being with you ? "

" Because I love you Angad , I really love you , I don't know how to approach you but I really love you "
She said

" Listen I don't wanna break Your heart but I really sorry I still and always love Keerthi, she is love of my life I can't be with you , I am sorry love "

" So cool , I don't know how you gonna take this but trust me we going to have lots of fun together "
She said again coming close to me.

" Are you crazy ? you're totally crazy I told you na I don't love you , I love keerthi  I love her "

" Yeah I am crazy , I am crazy about you , our parents know about the relationship and they're really happy with it "

" You are the one , who told them that we are in a relationship without even asking me anything........and listen let's tell them that we don't like each other anymore and apologise about our behaviour "

" No no I am sorry , I can't do it I can't lie to my parents " she said like she never lied to her parents.

" The way you said them that we love each other was a lie, don't you remember that"

" Yeah I do but the one thing was truth that I love you Angad , and I am not going to lie to my parents anymore again"

" Try to understand it "

" I love you Angad and that's it , whatever you wanna do you can do it , I am not going to lie my parents"
She said folding her hands looking at me raising her eyebrows.

" Enough is enough, I am going to tell my parents everything I don't afraid of anything, now you just go out from my room " I said, and she smiled and layed on my bed " it's my boyfriend's room and no know has rights to send me out from the room " she said

" Enough is Enough " I said and pushed her out from my room.

I was just silent, just because I did a mistake once and I can't be silent all the time. When my parents are back to home I gonna tell them everything and what's she's doing to me and tomorrow the first thing I gonna do is tell everything to keerthi.


Abeer's pov

Angad throws love outside from bedroom. " What the hell is he doing? " , I asked love going near her.

" He was just angry at me for being close with my Boy bestfriends"

" What ? He's literally seducing you , wait I will talk to him " I said and try to knock his room but love stopped me.

" It's okay abeer , I can handle it , it's between us " she said wiping her tears.

" Look at your face , you're crying , he made you cry like this "

" It's okay , just please don't ask anything and come let's play the video games "
She said taking me to the hall.

I know it's her personal but what Angad did was not right. He can't do this to her. He already hurted keerthi alot now I can't let him hurt Love. I really care for her I do. And I swear if I catch things like this happen to love again by Angad , I am damn sure break his ribs.

To be continued.........

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