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Happy Reading!!!!

Dharshi's pov

When I entered into the room....I saw Caroline sitting next to a stranger girl and talking something.

" Dharshi right? "
The stranger girl asked me

I nodded

" Dharshi....this is nia... Angad's friend ummmm.....mostly bestfriend "
The girl said to me

" Oh...nia nice to meet you "
I said and we Shake handed .

" Is Angad is here ? "

" Yeah , He really missed keerthi that's why we came here "
Nia said

" Keerthi was in the garden.....where is he now ? "
I asked him

" He was in the garden waiting for her I guess........they must be met eachother "
Caroline said

" We should see them "
I said and went to balcony and nia and Caroline came back to me.

" Oh my god ! Look at them they are hugging eachother. That's so passionate "
Caroline said

We were looking at them in the balcony.

" Guys.....we shouldn't have to see this
I promised Angad "
Nia said and took us inside the room.

" We should have recorded it and used it to tease them "
Caroline said

" It will not happen"

" You really a trust worthy friend for Angad  "
I said

" And you two are his favourite friends
He used to say that everytime. "
Nia said and I smiled.


Angad's pov

I hugged her tightly as much as I can feel her smell....I really missed her so much. I never ever thought I will fall in love with her this much. I really love her.

" Oh my are finally here "
She said touching my face.

" I can't believe this "
She said and kissed all over my face.
Damn this is all I ever needed....just her.
And I hugged her " I think I will be forever string towards you "

" I know and Now I am happy and you are finally here "
She said back off from the hug.

" One second "
I said and took the bouquet to her.

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