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Dharshi's pov

" It's really nice laying on your arms Holding you in your bed " I said to Abeer holding him tight. And he Placed a kiss on my temple , sounding 'muaaaah' that's total cringe to hear but I love it. When we are in love all the cringe things looks cute. " It's really nice to spend time here with you all alone in my house...with you only you that's Awesomely amazing"

We heard a knock , which is totally annoyed the moment. " Is that Your parents" , I asked him taking my head off from him. " No they said they are coming tomorrow" he said getting up from the bed. And we left to open the main door. And we found out a girl with luggages.

Is that ? Is that is Love ? Their Cousin ? Angad's Crazy Girlfriend? Is that she.
" Hey Love what a surprise, Welcome home" Abeer said Excitedly seeing her and hugged her and She kissed on his cheeks. ' wait what the hell is she doing '
" I really missed you Babe " She said and came inside the house. And Abeer took her luggages inside the house like a Gentleman. Like seriously who asked him to do this ?.

" Ummm , Is this is that girl you used to talk to me ? You're girlfriend Disha " she asked him with full of attitude.

" Actually it's Dharshi....not Disha " Abeer said and Introduced me to her , I gave her a fake smile and left into his room.
And Abeer Came back to the room and asked me " Why you just came inside the room ? She's must be upset about it "

" I don't care and what the hell is she doing kissing you on your cheeks and calling you babe ? " I asked him and He chuckled softly and said " Is that's a big deal ? " Oh god Is he really asking me that.

" Maybe that's not....I don't take such a things serious like that but still she's Angad's girlfriend" I said and he chuckled again and said " first she's my cousin, Don't forget that " .

" Sorry to interrupt but where is my boyfriend, " She asked coming inside the room. Actually she's interrupting. " You know naa we don't talk much" Abeer said calmly.

" I know But Still he lives next room of yours, you have to know  ? "
She said dial-in Angad's number on her phone.

" Shit , He's not picking the call like usual, I will wait until he comes and I starving Can I get something to eat ? "
She asked to Abeer.

" Umm, Actually Maid just left from the house, we both ate the food.....wait I will order some pizza "
Abeer said and took his phone.

" Okay that's good but I My stomach is rumbling I'm so hungry. Can I get some Snacks or juice? "
She asked and Abeer looked at me

" go and take rest , I will bring it in a minute "
Abeer said and took me to the kitchen.

" Why you brought me here "
I Questioned him

" Love said that she's hungry, I ordered pizza and wound you help me ? To prepare the Pomegranate juice please "
He asked pleasing me.

" Of course I won't, I hate her , and I won't help you "
I said that strictly.

" Okay fine, atleast instruct me to do "
He asked pleasingly.

" Okay fine , whatever "
I said Rolling my eyes.

And just gave a instructions and he poured the pomegranate juice into a grass and we left to Hall and he gave the juice to her saying " The juice for the sweetie"

And I heard a knock " it must be the delivery" , I said and left to the door to bring the pizza.

Even I am back to the hall bringing the pizza , I heard giggles from them. Why he's so Close with her ? .

" Actually i gonna stay here for few days , Why can't we go for a double date ? "
She asked us taking a sip.

I was silent and Abeer at me and tried something to say but " don't start that again, Angad won't be a problem to you. Come for me please" She asked him

" Okay fine it's go " Abeer said and I was just silent, whatever I not going at all .

" So how's going between you ? "
She asked looked at me .

" It's nice "
I replied calmly because I don't want to over react.

" Nice ? I asked you how's Abeer good or bad or..... like that , I hope you understand"
Love asked.

" What ? "

" I can proudly say that my boyfriend is best in bed and he's great kisser And I was just asking about Abeer , Is he good"
She said

" It's all just bullshit, getting late I'm leaving " I said and took my staffs to leave. " Wait I will drop you , hmm Love you stay here I will be back to home leaving dharshi at her house "
He said to her and left with me.

" Are you angry ? "
He asked me while we were walking to my house.

" I feel disgusted , She's behaving like a whore ! "
I said

" Dharshi mind your words, she's my cousin and a friend from my childhood "

" Abeer Is she better than my sister? , Angad choosed her seriously? And took what was her behaviour around me ? And the way she behaves around you naa , I just hate that and kisses you on cheeks....I just hate her and trust me I am not coming to the double date thing "
I told him.

" Fine , if you don't want then we don't need to go but don't talk anything bad about her , she's family please understand "
He said and I nodded.

I leave me at my home and left.

The day was totally good but the way it ending meeting that bitch is exasperating lot.

And She's here , What's gonna I tell to keerthi ?  How's she's gonna react seeing her here ?. She's becoming better these days. I don't what to put her in that phase so I won't talk anything about her and ask Abeer to not talk about her too.

To be continued

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