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Keerthi 's pov

Angad is going to London to celebrate his bestfriend's birthday. He is not coming with us to los Angeles....he always volunteers to come with me anything I never thought of asking him , Is he is coming with us....I myself picked him that he is coming. But he has someother plans....he has other plans...he has other plans with someone else.

Great....he asked me to come to send off him but I don't wanna go....I am not going and I will be with my friends and plan for our trip. And plan something to make Dharshi happy.

But I don't know one think....from the last night....till now Angad was the only thing going on my mind..... maybe I can't accept the fact that he is going to meet someother girl and not coming with me.......who is always with me in this last 8 months.

" Are you going to send off Angad "
Caroline asked me

" Is he going to get a award or something else?....he is just going to meet that it's not much needed"
I said

" Seriously? If you doesn't want then....let's plan a movie night at your house.... Dharshi will feel better naa "
She said and I nodded.

" Nick going to ask Ruby for the you think she will come ? "

" If she truly cares about Dharshi then she will definitely come with us "

" I think she will come "

" Do you think Otis will come ? "

" Oh god..... don't start your ex boyfriend drama "

" It's not like that.... actually he is not my ex boyfriend.....he had crush on me and we went out for two days.... nothing more than that "

" Okay okay fine....I agree "

" I feel like....I should go and send off Angad....he needs me "

" Then come let's go "

" don't wanna go....and send off him.... That girl will send off him and pick up him.... whatever he wants and she wants I don't care "

" Something really happened to you for sure "
Caroline said and I looked at her.

" We should really go and send off him Caroline "

" Oh my jes !!!! I am going "
She said and ran way from my room.


Abeer's pov

" Dad I am going to los Angeles.....a trip with my's a 4 days trip "
I asked my dad's permission.

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