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Happy Reading!!!

Angad's pov

When I woke up from My bed....I saw nia was packing my things.

" Good morning buddy....what are you doing? Why are packing my things"
I asked her

" Because we are leaving"
She said and continued packing the things. I rubbed my eyes and took the water bottle from the side table and pour some water on my feel normal from the sleepy head.

" So tell me , where are we going?
We were supposed to go to San Francisco day after tomorrow right? "
I asked her...getting down from the bed.

" Yeah I know but change of plans.....we are going to los Angeles to meet your keerthi"
She said

" What ? Really Nia ? Are you fooling me or something"
I asked her

" I have already booked tickets and told to your mom and my parents and now we are going to los Angeles....just for you to be happy because your birthday is in next week "
She said and I hugged her.

" The flight will be at 10 be ready"
She said and left.

Oh my god....I going to los meet her.....I can't wait to see her again and I can't wait to hear what's she feels for me. And I took my phone to call her and tell her that I am coming but I just put my phone back on the table, because I want to surprise her. So better I should not tell her that I am coming to LA... Oh my god I am so much excited to meet her again .


Dharshi 's pov

" Did I talk anything bad ? "
Keerthi asked to us

" Absolutely not "
Caroline said

" Dharshi....what you say ? "
She asked me

"  Your right in your point of view but he's not right in his point of view "
I said

" Honestly he was in love with you Dharshi.....Still he do "
Caroline said

" He's an no brain asshole....All you need is to Accept the fact and just be with him....if you really wanna be with him then "
Keerthi said

" Seriously? This is you ? This is you telling me ? "
I asked her

" Oh my God, Dharshi you forgot something, she was in love with the better man "
Caroline said in a teasing way. And we trio giggled.

"  Are you sure about Angad ? "
Caroline asked Her.

" You guys tell me , do you guys happy about this ? "
Keerthi asked us.

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