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Happy Reading!!!

Keerthi's pov

I got a message from Angad that he and Abeer went to Dharshi's party. I don't know why Abeer is so curious of going to that party.....but I guess he is trying to do something. Atleast Angad must be happy that Abeer asked something to him.

And I got the call from Angad and I attended it.

" Is everything okay There ? "

" I was searching Abeer "

" Where did he gone? "

" I don't know where he gone.....but I am still in the party waiting for him "

" Just call him and ask....."

" His mobile maybe switched off..... wait wait....he was coming outside the washroom....I saw him "

" Thank god "

" We need to leave from here "
Abeer said to Angad. I can hear that.

" You guys come to my house.....I will be waiting at the terrace "
I said to Angad


" I think Robin is doing something shit here....I guess "
Abeer said

" After everything you said.....I feel like Dharshi is in danger.....she is not safe around Robin "
Angad said

" But why the hell she was with him "
I asked

And Abeer shared the interaction happened between him and Dharshi.

" She cried ? Which means she is not happy with him.....She is not doing this to make you jealous for sure Abeer.....there is something"
I said

" I seen that in her eyes but still....why can't she tell the truth in words "
Abeer asked.

" Maybe something is stopping her
First we need to find out "
Angad said

" We need to find out that what strategy Robin used on her "

" Dharshi is the one.
who will tell us naa "
Abeer asked

" I and you got a time....where we were alone with her....did she said something to us Abeer "
I asked him....and he nodded no.

" I think we need Nick's help "
I said

" keerthi....he is already angry on her.....if he knows can't be right....we shouldn't take it to nick "
Angad said

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