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Happy Reading!!!

Abeer's pov

The next day.....when I stepped into the school the first person I met was Sattu.

" Broo.... seriously what happened to you. I heard everything from Chandni..."

" So what ? "

" I doesn't think you are okay "

" I am okay and I am not okay is my problem not yours okay "

" Broo I am sorry.....I was busy in my family function "

" Whatever satyendra....just get lost "

" Oh Abeer.....I am sorry....I need to hear everything from your perspective.... because I can't believe Chandni "

And I told him everything.

" But I am still angry on you okay.....for leaving me alone for almost 4 days "

" Oops sorry Broo "

" You are such an asshole "

" Okay tell me what you are going to do next "

" Robin is coming wait a minute "
I said and went near to Robin.

" What you want from my Dharshi? Just stay away from her "
I said to him but he glared at me.

" I am the one who should say you that.......stay away from my Dharshi "
He said

" I will broke your teeth....
What did done ? What made her to accept you ? "

" Maybe I am good at bed broo more than you I guess"
He said and I holded his collar tightly.

" Stop spreading nonsense everywhere"

" You stop coming between us again and again "
He said and took my hand off from him.

I gave a punch on his face. He glared at me and punched on nose. We start to fight with eachother. Sattu tried to stop it but he can't.

Dharshi came and stopped eachother.
First Dharshi came to me and saw my wounds.

" Are you mad ? I said you to stay away right? "
She said with a teary eyes.

" Sattu please do some first aid to him "
She said to sattu and left with Robin.

" I said naa....she still loves and cares for me "
I said to sattu.

" Yeah I trust you "


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