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Happy Reading!!!

I left to Angad's house by Dharshi 's guiding. Thank god she already came I would came here with her help. I knocked the door. And a lady opened it. I think she is Angad's mother and she looks so beautiful!

" Keerthi right? "
She asked me I smiled and nodded.

" I know....Angad used to talk about you everyday.....come inside"
She said & welcomed me and I smiled and left inside the home

" Aunty...where is Angad ?
Why didn't he came to school and institute today? "
I asked her

" Didn't you know that ? I thought he should have told you "
She said giving me some water.

" We were in a fight "

" What ? He didn't told me anything"

" It's just a small's a silly fight between's not a big deal "

" Okay fine....I am not coming between you & your friend"
She said.....she is so I get to know that why Angad is so sweet and behaving kind with every single people around him.

" Aunty where is Angad "

" Oops I totally forgot.....he is on fever that's why he took off today "

" How was he now ? Can I see him "

" He is sleeping inside his room "
She said and showed his room .

" Can I wake him ? "
She asked him

" No noo aunty....I will wait until he wakes up "

" Then wait here ..... Let I bring you some snacks "
She said and left to kitchen.

And i left inside Angad's room. To check is he really alright. 

He was sleeping holding a frame. And I saw Abeer's single picture on the lamp table which was beside of his bed. This shows that Angad loves Abeer so much. And craves for his brother love. Here Abeer is the problem. Who is just adamant in his own thoughts.

I touched his forehead to check fever. It was low......hope the whole day rest really heals him. He woke up when he felt my touch.

" I am sorry to waking you up"
I said

" It's totally are came here to see me ?....oh my god you came here to check on me "
I said in excited.

" Come let me introduce you to my mom "
He said and hold my hand.... keeping the frame on the bed....and it's my & his photo on the frame. He was sleeping holding our picture.

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