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Happy Reading!!!


" Robin texted me yesterday"
Dharshii said and showed me the message which he sent her

I laughed looking at the text

" He is so in love with you maybe"
I said and giggled

" He was just obsessed with me
I know that for sure "
She said with confidence

"  He is really irritating me so much and I don't even like him as a person"
Dharshii said

" Do what your heart tells you "

" I am just exhausted but Whatever for somedays I can be free of him ."

" Can I ask you something "

" Yeah "

" I told you I am your friend and if you want me I will be there to listen you but why you are telling this to me I really need to know "

" If you really want the reason? "

" Yeah because it should not be the reason, I saved you from Robin that day and I am the only person knows it understand naa what I meant"

" Ofcourse Angad and ....I am telling you all this because I feel comfortable with you and you are really a comfort person "

She said and I smiled


And I called keerthi to ask about her

" Haan Angad "
She said in a sleepy tone

" Are you still in the bed "
I asked

" Then what you wanna me to do
Jogging ? Nah naa "

" Noo take rest...I will come to your place after the school"

" Ookkkk "

She said in a sleepy tone and I was going to cut the call before that

" Angad it's your final practice day right? Practice well and all the best"
She said and a smiled escaped from my lips

" I will and you take rest "

I said and cutted the call and straightly went to the football court to practice.

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