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Dharshi's Pov

After the school I took Abeer to his mother's grave.....he layed down and started to cry.

" Mom can you come one last time for me please.....I need to see you....hug you and telling you everything going around me "
He said while placing his hands on her name which is in the grave.

I can't console him for it. I can't able to see him like this....and all I remember is my mom....I also miss my mom alot. I can understand Abeer's very well because I am also a motherless child.

Angad and his mother came there. Looking at them Abeer got tensed and started to shout at them.

" Why you guys came here ? Just get out....wanna celebrate on my mother's death anniversary? Can you guys please go out of here "
He shouted

" You..... because of you....I lost a family and then my mother.... don't show your face to me....I never seen a shameless women like you "
When Abeer spilt it....Angad slapped him hard. But Angad's mother took him out from the grave before the boys would do something terrible.

I don't want to shout at him for what he did. I know it's's really wrong. But Abeer is emotionally weak now. I can't do anything. So I just been silent

And I saw Angad's mother eyes...Abeer hurted her alot.....she can't bury anything so left out with Angad. I felt really bad for Angad's mother morethan I felt bad for Abeer.


Then I dropped him at his home

" Abeer Is anything you needed then call me "
I said and he gave a small smile.

And hugged me and said
" Thank you for today Dharshi.
I never been a open book to anyone.
But I told everything to you without hesitating and it's means alot "

" Let's meet tomorrow at school.
Don't think about anything... just be relaxed"
I said and he nodded and left inside his house.


Keerthi's pov

It's almost 8 mind was just blank all I think about is going to school tomorrow and how I gonna face Angad. I have no idea but I need to go with a flow.

In a second got a call from Angad.

Oh god ! Doesn't he have any other work to do.

I attended the call and said "hello"

"Keerthi I am waiting for you at your terrace... I really need you now "
He said in extremely low tone.

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