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Happy Reading!!!

Keerthi's pov

We finally reached to los Angeles. I doesn't know am I the only person who thinks that san Francisco is better than this....or maybe I miss san Francisco.

I sat between Damon and nick. I feel like if Angad was there....he will be sat next to me for sure....he never leaves a chance to fill it. I don't know why but I miss every single thing of Angad now .

Caroline came inside the room....after went for a walk with Stefan. I feel jealous of her now ...if Angad was here...  Oh gosh stop keerthi.....Angad is your friend that's it.... nothing more than that right.

" How was your walk "
I asked Caroline.

" Great.....what happened why you are interest less ......still can't over from that Angad went to London? "
Caroline asked me

" Noo....he can go wherever he wants.... what's my problem in that ? "

" I know you miss him "

" I don't Caroline.....and I am not missing him"

" Keerthi.....not everytime love starts with butterflies but sometimes it starts like this like you feel now and love grow ups with can't change it "
She said and I Take a breath.

" Okay I agree I Miss him..... everyone are around me but still I miss him "

" I know very well about my bestfriend "
Caroline said in a teasing way.

Yeah almost every body I know was around me....we were at a new city and I still miss Angad .


Dharshi's pov

It's mid night 12'clock..... everybody was peacefully sleeping ....but here I am afraid to sleep.....if I tried to sleep I will get Robin's better I don't wanna sleep.

Made a settlement for us to stay here in the resort....nick left to his hostel. He trust and believe that Stefan and Damon are here so No need to worry about our safety and everything. and also he knows everything about los Angeles but what ever he does here for's all happened and happening and will happen by his knowledge for sure .

I slowly stepped out of the room... without disturbing others . While I was roaming in the caridoor , I saw Abeer who was already there.

" What are you doing here ? "
Abeer asked me

" What are you doing here Abeer ? "
I asked him

" I was just..... okay leave it .....can we go for a walk inside this resort"
He asked me

I was silent for a second

" I will not talk anything about our relationship or take advantage trust me"
He said and I nodded and we started to walked.

" Actually...I was not able to sleep....I was continuously getting Robin illusions"
I said to him

" Oops...that means you are so much in love with him Dharshi.... trust me "
Abeer said and looked me and we're looking at eachother for a second and started to laugh out.

" Okay I will tell you two stories, something happened in my life "
He said and I nodded.

" First one was a embarrassed one , Once I and my family went to a theme park....Angad and his mom and my dad were busy in riding games....but I hate riding games..... whenever they go in ride...I simply stand outside and wait for them to come.... while waiting I was full and I really needed to pee.....I was just a 11 years old boy and I don't have that much knowledge....but I ran and search the rest room....and finally when I got it I rushed into it and after peeing...I came outside and saw bunch of girls were looking at me.... actually they are big sisters to me that time.....then I get to know that I was inside in the girl's restroom. I just ran away from There....and never told anyone about it.....till today"
He said and I laughed out.

" You are such a jackass for sure "
I said and he looked at me like that I am something precious.
" What ? "
I asked him

" It feels very nice to see your laugh"
He said and I gave a small smile to him.

" Then what was the another one ? "
I asked

" Another one was my first heart break, when I was 7, I fell in love with my teacher. Who's name to angelina.... she absolutely looks like a know angelina mam is the best mam in this whole beauty and everything"
He said

" Okay okay.....come to the point. "
I said

" I everyday went to school....only to see her and I get good marks for her and when I proposed her....that day she was wearing a pink cotton salwar suit......she looked like a know she have a long shining straight hair and I love long hairs and she used to wear nose pin and I everyday die inside looking at her "

" Okay okay fine.....stop praising her and tell what happened? "

" I proposed her.... I said " I love you angelina are the bestest girl I ever saw after my mom .....I will be happy if you be my wife....will you marry me mam ? , She looked at me and
squeezes my cheeks , " baby look he wants to marry me " she said to a boy and he came to me.

" Sorry baby boy ,
she is already my wife "  he said and turned my ears.After knowing that angelina mam already has someone in her life...I was totally broken"
Abeer said

" Then what happened....where is that teacher now? "
I asked him

" I don't know....after that many things happened in my mom died and I shifted into my dad's home....they changed my school and everything. "

" So it was your first love in your point of view and that's great story I have heard today "
I said and we spend lots of time.... talking with eachother and playing in the swing and when it was 2.....we left to our respective room for sleep.

Actually I slept peacefully  after talking and spending some time with Abeer. Really I slept after a fucking week...and all credits to abeer

To be continued.......

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