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Nick's pov

" Okay fine......I know everything fine in love and war but what about keerthi, she also loved you.....what about her now ? "
I asked him because his words feels genuine to me.

He was silent for a moment.

" Keerthi knows that I had hard feelings for Dharshi.....she herself wants me to be a boyfriend to Dharshi"
He said

" Did Keerthi really said that to you ? "
I asked him and he nodded.

" I think you need more time.... spend alot time with them and decide but don't cross your have time till the trip ends "
I said that to him as a adult friend.

"Hmmmmmm okay.......And why are you sitting here ? Why can't you go and enjoy the games "
He asked me

" I don't like it , it's enough"
I said

" I also don't like these games.... always I sat in the bench and watch others playing the games "
He said and I met a person who was actually like me in this . He was not like me at everything but at this maybe.


Dharshi's pov

It's almost night..... everybody having pre-dinner at the food court....I was counting which ride I didn't complete. Meanwhile Abeer came to me.

" Can you come....let's go on Ferris wheel"
He asked me...and I remember that I didn't go on Ferris wheel today.

So it's the only ride...I didn't go today.

" Okay...wait I will tell to nick and come"
I said and Abeer stopped me.

" Sattu will handle it....come let's go "
He said and I  smiled , " okay then come let's go "
I said and we both went and sat on the Ferris wheel.

" Do you know Abeer , In my point of view...... Ferris wheel is the boring thing I ever known inside this amusement park for sure "
I said proudly....he chuckled.

" It's good.....hope the old Dharshi is coming back "
He said and nodded with a smile.

" she should..... because the old Dharshi is not boring "
I said and he smiled.

And suddenly the Ferris wheel stopped. And we stucked in the top of the wheel.

" I think it's a power off "

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