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On the first day of School.

Keerthi's pov

" Bro , We are in the senior year... Don't keep your face like that, I really hate to see that face....we need to enjoy the moment...every moment of the last senior year of high school"
Caroline said to me and I am thinking about what happened in summer.

" Did you know something, I hate to see angad's face today..... maybe I shouldn't have came here "

" It's said you moved on , So what's your problem in Angad dating his Cousin Laura "

" It's not's love.....
And I hate that name "

" It's okay keer , just move on and start seeing will be alright "

" wanna you say I just in that phase and it hurts"

" Do you we used to be on the first day of school.....we used to rate new comer boys and there are lot of staff we used to do.....but today it's totally different.......I think you still love him but he moved on and so you need to move on too "
Caroline said

" Hey hiii girls "
Dharshi came and hugged us.

" Look Dharshi looks excited
for the first day "
Caroline said

" No.... maybe.....but I have to talk with Abeer , he was all the time flirted with his cousin "
Dharshi said

" Is that Cousin love ? Angad's girlfriend"
Caroline asked dharshi

" Oh god..... don't say that "
I said, I really hate to hear that.

" Yeah she is "

And Abeer comes in and happily coming to dharshi by waving his hands to hug her but all she did was knee kicking his stomach. I really feel sorry for Abeer.

" Hey Caroline keerthi"
he said Rubbing his Stomach.

" So did you saw your ex boyfriend on the first day of 12th grade "
Abeer asked about Angad to irritate me.

" Oops , he was the one
who Questioning now "
I said

" Ooops sorry....I forgot the list is huge "
Abeer said giggling.

" Not than yours for sure "
I said and we laughed at insulting
each other.


And He finally arrived......I seeing him after three months but before three months all I wanted was not to see his stupid face again but all I missed in these three months was his stupid fucking face but I still hate him....... I do but I missed him alot.

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