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" Mr Kim, I would like to lock this deal with your company. Let's discuss the paper work and other formalities."

Mr Lee professionally shakes hand with Taehyung.

" Sure, Mr Lee! Let's dicuss the formalities then. Jimin!"

While Mr Lee was busy in papers, Taehyung turns his head towards Jimin on conference table. He finds him smirking towards daughter of Mr Lee who was blushing.

Taehyung rolled his eyes internally and coughed to get attention of Jimin who was still busy. Mr Lee's daughter noticed Taehyung as she immediately breaks eye contact with Jimin and points towards Taehyung. Jimin looks at Taehyung and immediately straightens up giving Taehyung a nervous small smile.

" Ahem! Yes Taehyung , I am listening- I am listening... You can continue."

Taehyung shakes his head while continuing again with Mr Lee.

Mr Lee shakes hand with Taehyung before turning to leave the meeting hall followed by his daughter, she turns around and smiles at Jimin waving him goodbye.

Jimin smirks waving back but as soon as Mr Lee turns around to check his daughter , Taehyung slaps Jimin's hand down.

" Aishhh! At least not in front of her dad, Jimin! ." Taehyung whispered as he huffs while Jimin's eyes are still locked with that girl.

" How am I supposed to stop myself when she is looking so..."

He looks at Taehyung who glares at him.

" I.. I mean.. ! " Jimin stutters

" Let it be!" Taehyung leaves.

Jimin huffed in relief but smirked as he received a message from that girl


In a big university stadium audiences were cheering and  shouting on top of their lungs, specially girls and why wouldn't they shout as the team of most popular boy in university has just won a football match.

Soon girls were shouting on top of their lungs as the team captain Jeon Jungkook gets rid of  his shirt, throwing it somewhere in ground as he runs towards his team.

" Omg! Jeon Jungkook is so hot!"

" Y-You are right Yuri!"

Yuri narrows her eyes at the girl beside her in stadium but soon bursts into laughter. She grips her jaw a bit tightly .

" So, even nerds like you find boys hot?... Oh baby don't even think about it, Jeon Jungkook would never look towards the ugly, fat, poor and nerd like you!"

" B-but I just want to befriend h-him nothing more ."

Yuri laughs again

" Come out of your  delusional world. He would never befriend a nerd like you !.. And by the way are my assignments completed yet? "

Yuri yanks her face as she removes her hand

" N-not yet.. but I P-promise i will give it to  you before d-deadline. "

" You better! " She glares at her but is quickly distracted by her friends who were shouting.

" Omg! Yuri Jeon just kissed his trophy! "

Jungkook ruffled his hair, sweat trickled down his well built abs as he entered boys changing room. He quickly went for shower. As soon as he gets changed and comes out of the room, he is stopped by Yuri on his tracks.

" Did you get the news Jeon that evening classes are cancelled today"

" Oh that's a great news Yuri!"

A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now