S2 - 16

703 59 14

Gngguk drops Shinae outside her flat as he waves her goodbye but she doesn't leaves and continues to stare in his eyes deeply with a new emotion shining in her eyes from few days.  She fists his collars pulling him closer and stares at his lips, shit! those soft pillowy lips as Gngguk gasps.
She moves closer and  continues to stare at his lips as Gngguk licks his lower lip trying to guess her next move as even his gaze shifts to her lips soft pink glossed lips.
Shinae suddenly attaches her lips with his as he is taken aback by shock . Shinae moves back as her heart breaks a little on not feeling him moving. Gngguk lifts his hand in air and gestures him men to turn around as they immediately turns around unable to hide their wide smiles.
He holds her waist pulling her even more closer crashing her on his chest as Shinae gasps at his sudden dominance and with other hand he holds her nape crashing his lips on her as she fists his collar tighter. He moves his pillowly lips with her soft lips, he enters his tongue inside her mouth sucking on her tongue as he tastes her for the first time and damn! She tastes so addicting, her lips will definitely become his next addiction. He cups her face so lovingly  tilting his head to deepen the kiss even more as her toes curls and their stomach fills with fluttering butterflies. They part slowly on being out of breath as a string of saliva that connects their mouth breaks.
She steps back as their cheeks turn red. Shinae looks down and bows a little as she immediately leaves entering inside her flat, she stands with her back pressed on door as she tries to control her breaths as her heart fluttered violently while Gngguk stands their with her strawberry gloss smeared on his lips as they shined, with fast beating heart he is still trying to believe what just happened is true and not a dream. He blushed as he looks down and then towards her flat again as he smiled like a teenage boy in love.


Y/N enters the bathroom.

" Tae? Has Yeontan taken his bath?"
" Almost baby!"

She smiles as she stands on door and  finds Taehyung who was shirtless in just his shorts rubbing soap on Yeontan's fur.
Taehyung looks at her as he warmly smiles back at her. She was wearing a cropped tank top and shorts as Taehyung's heart raced on seeing her, he wonders how she manages to look cute and sexy at the same time. She is a lethal combination for him and his heart.

He stands up and  takes the shower head washing Yeontan's body. Just then he looks at Y/N playfully as he points the shower head towards her for few seconds. She gasps and giggles.

" Oh god! Tae nooo!"

Taehyung chuckles rubbing Yeontan's body with a brush. He points it at her again as she giggles and shouts at him to stop.
Suddenly she hears the sound of splash as water pointed towards her direction stops. She finds Taehyung who has fallen inside a bathtub.

" I slipped!" he pouts.

Y/N bursts into laughter, she puts her hand on her hips.

" This is what you get when you try to annoy your sweet wife!"

She laughs again but stops immediately as Taehyung winces in pain.

" I guess my back and elbow got hurt they are paining."

Y/N gasps as she gets concerned and immediately walks towards him.

" Oh my God! Show me Tae! "

She looks at him with so much concern in her eyes as it warms up Taehyung's heart and he melts. She stands directly in front of him outside the bathtub.
Taehyung moves forward as he wraps her arms around her waist and pecks her belly placing his cheek there.
" I am fine just messing around with you." he mumbles on her belly.
Y/N huffs in relief and smiles while playing with his fluffy soft  hair  , she sighs as he pecks her tummy a little longer.
Taehyung moves back placing his chin on her tummy as he looks at her with love and adoration.
Y/N smiles warmly, she leans and pecks his forehead as he closes his eyes and a smile forms on his face. She parts smiling at him, Taehyung bites his lower lip as he holds her wrist pulling her suddenly as she gasps.

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