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Jimin enters his home tired at night, he stretches his neck being exhausted . As he enters inside he finds Soha waiting for him on the couch. She smiles standing up as he ignores her. She walks towards him and tries to remove the coat for him but he stops her.
He looks at time.

" Why are you up till so late? "
Jimin asks  without looking at her while removing his watch

" I was waiting for you."

He stops and looks at her smiling face as his heart swells.

He looks away " There is no need to wait for me... "

He leaves as Soha follows him

'As if I would listen to you darling! ' She scoffs internally.

He sits on the dinner table as Soha starts serving him food.

" I cooked it specially for you ! "She smiles

Jimin immediately stands up but this time Soha stops him by holding his wrist, he looks at her hand holding his wrist as his heart flutters . She slowly pulls him making him sit back on his seat and Jimin just couldn't  resist her .
She starts speaking while serving him the food.

" You can be upset from me as much as you want, you have that right but please spare the food, I know you are hungry after working  since morning. Please eat something."

Jimin looks away as his heart swells up  at her concern for him.

" Eat it! Or i will sit on your lap and feed you by myself."

Jimin gets flustered and immediately looks at her.

" Choice is yours Minie." She shrugged her shoulders." I think... You will prefer second option more, am I right? "

She winks as Jimin immediately starts eating by himself and once Jimin starts he is unable to hold himself back  as he eats like a starved person because he was really hungry and food, food was really delicious, now he understands why Jungkook and Taehyung were appreciating her cooking skills so much .
Shit! She is really a great cook, he was missing such delicious food in his arrogance till now.
She smiled warmly admiring him as he eats.


Soha was feeding Yeontan while Jimin was busy on laptop and Jungkook was busy in completing his college assignments.

" How was your and Irene's dance play Jungkook?"  Soha questions

Jungkook remembers their dance play and how awkward they both were at last.

" It was good noona, audience really enjoyed it, but some, some people who promised me to attend my dance play were not present! "

Jungkook emphasises on word 'some' people which draws Jimin's attention.

" Kookie I already apologized you for that, I was busy in a meeting. "

'Thank god you were busy hyung or I don't know how you would have reacted to me and Irene's last scene.' he huffs in relief.

" And you couldn't even make a phone call to wish us luck."

Jungkook scoffs.

" Do you know Soha Noona wished us luck for our performance before play."
Jimin looks at Soha who was playing with Yeontan as his heart swells .

Soha smiles at the bickering of two brothers. Just then they watched Taehyung coming out of his room. He looked a bit worried. Soha walks towards him

" Don't worry oppa, Unnie will get well soon."

She caresses Taehyung's shoulder and makes him sit on the couch offering him water.

" Thank you for being there for our family Soha. Sometimes it feels like you are one of our family member. I would like to  appreciate the upbringing of Mrs Choi you sisters are gem really, I wish I could get someone like you sisters for my Jimin and Jungkook in future. "

Taehyung gulps down the water without knowing the effect of his words on the three people in the room. Soha looks at Jimin as she smiled while Jimin looks away and  pretends to be on his laptop once again . While Jungkook he zoned out  in thoughts of Irene.


Jungkook was sitting with Jen and Min when Irene walks towards them and what Jungkook sees next is enough to widen his eyes. Irene was holding the arm of her old school friend Jay.

" Irene your boyfriend will kill me for this I am sure. He is already glaring at me and scaring the shit out of me."

Jay whispers to Irene.

" Shut up! I will try my best to save you from him."

" What!!!  try??? What do you mean by you will TRY? "

Irene nudges his stomach.

" Shut up! "

They both take their seat in front of Jungkook as she greets everyone including Jungkook who is still shocked. Soon she gets busy with Jay laughing at his jokes hitting his shoulders  holding his arms.

" Two coffee, one for me and one for the pretty lady beside me. " Jay orders the waiter as he winks at Irene who blushes .
Jungkook's eyes widens.

" Irene! I can feel his deadly glares, but... He is so dashing and hot like i am already swooning over him Damn!"  Jay whispers.

" Jay! Concentrate."

Just then Irene spills the drink on her dress intentionally .

" Oh omg my dress. "

" Don't worry let's go to washroom I will help you
. "

" What? Just sit there ! "Jungkook speaks immediately as everybody looks at him.

" I-I mean Jen can help Irene. Jen you go and help Irene. "

" And... why should I listen to you? You are not even her boyfriend anyways, liar!" though Jay sounded confident but his legs were shivering under the table .

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows at him and glares but Jay  leaves with Irene winking at Jungkook, fueling the fire of  his anger even more.

Irene and Jay hides behind the wall leading to washroom.

" Irene!" Jay almost whines.

" Shh! It's fine, it's fine."

" He is hot though!"

Jay swoons over Jungkook.

" Yeah! Stop eyeing him."

" Someone's jealous, only if he wasn't yours I would have tried on him."

Jay bites his lips only to receive a smack from Irene.

Jen joins them aftersometime.

" Oh my God, you guys were fire!  Just keep up with this show, he is already jealous of you Jay! "
Jen smirks.

" I will prove it to you Irene that he feels for you."


Soha come out of Y/N's room at night but when she was heading towards her room she noticed Jimin on her way.
He was sleeping on couch but he was curled up as he was feeling a bit cold.

Soha closes the windows of living room and keeps his laptop aside as  she brings a blanket and covers him, he snuggles into the blanket in his sleep. She smiles as she carreses his hair very slowly admiring his sleeping figure. He looked so angelic, unable to control her urges she pecks his forehead.

" Sleep well my Jimine." She whispers as she smiles admiring him.

Just the she finds Yeontan rushing towards her, she gestures him to keep it low and picks him up in her arms so that he doesn't disturbs Jimin's sleep and walks away with Yeontan. Jimin sighs as he opens his glistening eyes, he wasn't asleep, he was just pretending to be asleep to avoid her.


A Love like Ours || V Min Kook ffWhere stories live. Discover now